Hi. Small question. A buddy of mine is moving into my place tommorow and we're going to be setting up a small lan. We'd like to play Arcanum (We don't have it yet, though) over the lan but we don't know if it requires unique CD keys or what not. Will we have to buy two copies to play over the lan or can we just use the same copy? Thanks.
No, just one version of the game will do. Obviously, install it on both machines, then use the Play CD to start the game on one, take it out and put it in the other. But what I want to know is, how do you save a multiplayer game, or can you...?
You don't save the game per se, your character can be taken from game to game though I believe - I think they level just like normal, but your not bound to the original game - take them into any mod and whatnot. Which is pretty cool I think.
Good to see help coming from my homeland... So does that mean there is no save during a game, only at the end when you exit and it asks if you want to save your character?
One thing though: Your characters' inventory is NOT saved. So you can't take that nifty magical sword you found in one game to the next game. Also, not a whole lot of modules are available yet... pretty much the only fan-created multiplayer mod is Chris Beddoes' deathmatch mod. You can find it on Chris' corner of Terra Arcanum webspace: http://www.terra-arcanum.com/~uberedit/ I don't know if it's any good, though.
So does that mean that, after playing for hours in a multiplayer module on a LAN, that I can save my character's stats etc., but not all the items he's collected??!?? What about when I want to go back into that same module and continue the game - have I then 'lost' all my progress? That can't be right, or am I just not understanding this correctly... Sorry to be so dim if that's the case.
I was going to do it on Lan too and I did full install of the game and it doesn't require the CD to play with. I was gonna do it to another one of my PC and it gives an error message while installing halfway :sad:.
So I DO lose all my items?!?!? That is absolute crap. PLEASE someone tell me that this isn't really the case and that this game does have a proper multiplayer feature...
After spending two hours with my brother on a LAN game creating our characters, collecting items and receiving quests, we decided to call it a night and venture off into the unknown, (fully equipped!), in our next session. So is everyone saying that we have just completely wasted our time? Are modules so small that than they can be played through in one sitting? Please? Somebody? Can I have a definitive version of how saving works in Multiplayer, so that I know whether I'm to be disappointed with a new game yet again or I'll be skipping off merrily into the sunset?!? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Reg Pither on 2001-10-25 21:50 ]</font>
Please somebody answer me so I can stop pestering everyone and either get on and play the game or ditch it. Please...?
Okay, from what I can gather, your character points, skills, schematics, spells etc are saved - inherent attributes if you will. However, your items are not saved, they are generated for you acoording to some algorithm (which is based on your inherent attributes). You get armour, weapon of some sort and some cash, so you can buy extra stuff I suppose.
Thank you very much, fellow Aussie. So we WERE wasting our time creating, buying and finding equipment in the hope of using it all in our next session. Oh well, another game with a half-baked multiplayer element that fails to deliver. It's just such a shame when you read about a game for a year and follow its progress, all the while looking forward to it with greater and greater expectations, only to have them all dashed when the product finally sees the light of day. The same happened to me with Cossacks - no AI players in multiplayer and all the historical battles were multiplayer only! I suppose I might give the single player of Arcanum game a try, as the whole environment is certainly original and intriguing. Sorry for my ramblings, but so many games have huge potential that just gets wasted, and then no-one else ventures down that road again, instead of somebody making the effort and doing it right.
I wouldn't say a waste of time. What you have to remember is that this is a single player game, with the capability for multiplayer - and although I haven't played the multiplayer aspect much yet, I think that it has been implemented rather well. How would you like someone to make a mod, which gave them access to heaps of really good equipment, really easily, so that they could kick everyone's arse without a problem. It'd be exploiting the game a ridiculous amount. The single player storyline is what I bought the game for, and the capacity for multiplayer was a very nice added bonus (and I swear, I will make some mods once I finish my tests in a week and a half).