Do the enemy encounters scale with the level of the player's character level ? I sold several guard armors in Tarant ( Haggle - Apprentice ) for @ 300 GPs. One time I came back to Tarant and the none of the regular vendors wanted to buy them! Is this related to my player's character level or to how many of those items I have previously sold ? I could still find a buyer in Blackroot for the normal price.
Some encounters involve scaling in Arcanum, but it's seldom noticeable. Mostly the encounters are based on your geographical location (wisps in the Glimmering forest, cougars and widowers on the Morbihan plains and so forth) but sometimes enemies gets tougher all over the place as the game progresses. Assassins, for example, start out as weak ruffians (lvl 10 leather armour, knife) early in the game, while becoming dangerous looking individuals (lvl 20/25 studded leather, fine steel dagger) and cloaked fellows (mage lvl ??, shadowing robes, charm magick). I'm not certain whether this sort of scaling is based on your progress in the main quest or your character's level. Probably the latter. The unmarketable guard leathers are either the result of a weird design choice or simply an oversight due to Troika being rushed. They are identical to ordinary leather armours in every way (looks, stats, value) except for their list of buyers. Almost no one (certainly not blacksmiths) are interested in buying them. which forces you to sell them to junk dealers at a much lower price. It has nothing to do with your level or previously sold items. Merchants buy everything off a haggle expert though, even stuff they wouldn't normally buy (such as guard leather), but your apprentice training is not sufficient to in any way influence them. Finally, I'm curious as to where you found your buyer for the guard leather in Blackroot. I wasn't aware of anyone other than junk dealers. Seeside salvage, perhaps?
Greetings Ruda. Thank you for the reply. Based on the information you provided, the armor I was selling was probably the normal leather armor. Only when I could not sell the armor did I bother to look at the actual name of the armor and I assumed I had been selling guard armor all along.
Another curious item is the wool clothing that the Shrouded Hills guard in the bank wears. It seems to be the only form of clothing that the general goods merchants will not buy without expert status in Haggle. Only junk dealers will buy it.