Here's a trick for all you who get those * :x GARR!!! :x MUST KILL!!! :x *-spasms every once in a while. When you kill someone good (say, that annoying Virgil) it is obvious that your aligntment is going to take a quick dip. :cry: We all know that. But, to get your alignment back up to +100, you don't have to do a lot of silly quests. Simply walk up to the nearest beggar (there is at least one left in the world, now isn't it?) and he'll ask you for a chunk of cash. Give it to him. Then check your alignment. POOF! :-o Your alignment has gone up by 1! Repeat. Now for the price of 10-2000 coins even the most evil necromancer or bandit can walk around with a +100 alignment! It's that simple! Is there anyone other than me who finds this the least bit strange? :lol:
Nop. You never ever had a -100 actually don't you? It is quite a task to raise your aligment even to -99 once you at -100
Hi, welcome aboard, both of you. The Evil -O - Meeter goes way past 100 in either direction. It seems to have an underlying counter that is not constant (log scale?). Others have noticed that things that will gain or loose points at low alignment %s won't budge the needle at 70 - 90%. Not at all odd, Kawaii. Look at all the cheats, liars, & thieves that go to church every sunday & think they will get into heaven.
Alignment really takes too long to build up, thus preventing me from caring. Then again I take all the evil/apathetic characters anyway.
I am trying to have 100% good alignment (with my current character anyway) and yeah, it's pretty easy to stay angellic. But I think alignment only affects new peoples reactions to you. My alignment doesn't seem important to my followers. When their opinion of me goes down (cos they saw me kill someone or whatever) it's impossible to get it back up even if I'm of angelic alignment. Can't figure it out. I've got 12 CH and Expert Persuasion too... Any thoughts? :-?
well my game must be stuck because I can only get 1 point per beggar! Now why would anyone want an evil alignment? Parmanian
Bah, if you want Zan and Tourian, just become a master of persuasion. To be honest, Zan and Tourian dont seem all that evil to me. Hell not even Jofferey, he just seems like a prick. I think there aught to be more .... well thats something for another thread.
Talk to a begger and don't give him anything and you will get - Alignment also if you want tp keep on doing this you will have to go out of town then come back and repeat or else the bigger will attack you and be killed also if you are getting + or - Alignment off beggers remember that sometimes you have to do it more than once to get -1 or +1 Alignment. :razz: