I am in Quintarra after T'sen Ang and cannot get back to the Silver Lady's room. When I talk to Raven and she asks what Min Gor'ad said all I can say is "I'm leaving now, Goodbye" Is this because I never talked to her and stole her note instead?
R O F L out loud! aorry for this post, but I'm still laughing and posting for those doing the same thing right now! Parmanian
I read it. I'm still stuck. I say I went to T'sen Ang She asks if I want healing. I say no thanks. ... I say I had reason to come back. She says that was a compliment and what did M'in Gor'ad say. I can only say "I'm leaving now" I cannot get into the Silver Lady's room. Please help.
Also I'm using the patch and the all in one fix but medical arachnids still don't work for me. What should I do?
Accept the healing. It is the start of a beautiful friendship. Not accepting it may be the problem. If I played more boys, I would have that script memorized.
hey shadygrove!!!!!!!!! heck of a title yah got now................since you know it all you don't get an icon to carry around! Parmanian
I love that title. :jealous: But would it be too much to mention that "Insuffreable know it all" really should be, "Insufferable Know-It-All"? Yes? Well, forget I said anything then. For an avatar, might I suggest a picture of Hermione Granger looking smug?