I'm 72 TA and walked into a magic shop and I was insulted so bad, I had to kill the sucker and take his stuff! hehehehe This is the first time it happened so I figured I must be over the trigger point. Now this poses a problem, If I'm trying to get something magical, Pretty soon ALL the magic shop owners are gonna be dead! Is this problem in the game or did the guy in blackroot not like me cause I killed ole Killian to get his bodyguards armor? Also since I killed Killian, wheres the boat that he doesn't own anymore? Plus how does this guy gamble when he doesn't have any money? Parmanian
What's the problem? First, don't kill shopkeepers. :roll: Second, yes I think 70 TA is the trigger point, but you can still shop in Tarant (at least for a while) since the magick shoppes are in a "magick zone" which lowers your TA. Once your TA gets so high that you can't even shop in Tarant, just break in and loot their stash whenever you please. They're all snobs anyway, just like Geoff, they deserve it.
so since theres a situation for TA vs MA, Does the same go for MA vs TA in the smithy shops? Parmanian
Yes Parmaian, the same applies for MA in a tech shop. They will eventually insult you and refuse to sell you anything. While this does lick goat nuts, you can always loot thier stash! MUWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! :x
Er... What I tend to do is this: Stand in the musty old wizards run down old shack of a shop then advance time to evening, advance it a further 2 hours then Voila. As if you weren't there (or his eyesights going in his oold age, tssk, needs some Eye Goggles) he potters off to bed, commence looting.
Thats takin the easy way out don't yah know! hehehehehe Well yah always got the junk dealer to talk to! Parmanian
Also since I killed Killian, wheres the boat that he doesn't own anymore? Plus how does this guy gamble when he doesn't have any money? HE HAS HIS SHIP that he will give to you if you win, and IMO in Arcanum a ship is worth more than 50,000 coins... otherwise, you can always lose and get your hard-earned 50k coins taken from you (he won't gamble for his ship unless you have 50k in coin). Or you can always take the easy way out and buy a ship off the Blackroot shipbuilder for 50k coins and no losses. (And, should you want your 50k back, it is WAY easier to dispatch the shipbuilder and his bodyguards than Drake and his MONSTERS, although when I once considered killing him I had Disintegrate and more than 100 in fatigue...so bye bye ogres).
he wouldn't gamble with me............. so I just insulted him until he started it and I finished it! My ogres look better in that armor than his so-called body guards! Parmanian
Herbologists & rural balcksmiths will still deal with a powerful mage. The Herboligists are more than polite & honored to sell to you. At MA / TA 70 is a good time to think about Expert Haggle.