the day after tomorrow

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rosenshyne, Jun 1, 2004.

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whose side are you on?

  1. i'm with group #1!!!!!

    0 vote(s)
  2. i'm with group #2!!!!!

    0 vote(s)
  3. you're right, people are stupid.

    0 vote(s)
  4. global warming can lead to an ice age?

    0 vote(s)
  1. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2002
    the movie, not the actual day. any thoughts? comments?

    apparantly, there's a raging controversy over this movie. too many people have too much time on their hands, or something.

    stupid-people-in-large-group #1 claims that Bush doesn't want us seeing this movie because it could really happen. here's what happens in the movie:

    the world ends in an obscenely short amount of time in a really fun to watch kind of way.

    anyway, supposedly Bush is afraid that we will all see this movie and suddenly march on Washington to prevent global warming from bringing about the next ice age.

    first of all, i'm not sure Bush can grasp the concept of "global warming" and "ice age" being in the same sentence. secondly, yeah, maybe the events in the movie could really happen. but if they do, either they're happening too soon for me to do anything about it, or they're happening too late for me to give a crap.

    stupid-people-in-large-group #2 is mad because they think the movie is misleading. they say that this movie is going to cause unneccessary panic by portraying unreal events. now call me crazy, but i don't think that's a huge possiblity. after all, i don't live in the matrix, and i don't have any furry-toed little friends trying to throw an evil ring into a volcano.

    so, yeah, people are stupid.

    EDIT: i decided to add a poll, just for the hell of it.
  2. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

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    Oct 12, 2002
    How do you know you don't live in the matrix?
    And the brilliant "I can't do anything about anything" attitude is just spectacular. That's what the world needs. More people who think that improvement is an impossibility. Fatalistic morons.
  3. Twilight'sHammer

    Twilight'sHammer New Member

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    Dec 23, 2003
    and I responded to the poll! I'm listening to VengaBoys... so typing is hard cause everything I'm doing is in time with the beat, so yea, I'm having problems. Anyway! I'm going to see that movie, but just I find thoughts of the world ending amusing. ^_^
  4. mathboy

    mathboy New Member

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    Sep 3, 2003
    I'm not going to see it, the concept seems boring, and I don't want some fat guy to get my money for telling me about the end of the world.
  5. Quethim

    Quethim New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 18, 2001
    Mathboy, you're an idiot.

    The movie was actually pretty good. At first I didn't think there was gonna be much of a plot or anything to it, but there was. I just went to it cause it looked like it was going to have a bunch of special effects, and the special effects were pretty nicely done if you ask me. Also, it gets you thinking about what would happen to the world if something like that really did happen. I mean, we are entering into a global warming and stuff now...but what if we quickly entered into an Ice if one of those Snow Vortex things really struck us...I'd be frozen like a rock....being I live in part of the area struck by the cold vortex :p
  6. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    I haven't seen it, but from the one review I read, it seems bullshit science features pretty heavily, and I really find it hard to watch a movie when I know that the whole premise is reliant upon a load of crap. It's different when it's sprung on me in the movie though.
  7. Twilight'sHammer

    Twilight'sHammer New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2003
  8. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

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    Feb 26, 2002
    you have to see it, Jar. stupid people die by the thousands!!! it's great!!! and australia survives, while America is trashed. that has to make you warm and fuzzy inside...
  9. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Well, the posters did actually look really good. I'll consider seeing it, but it's not high on my priorities.

    I did see Shaun of the Dead recently though...and it is fucking hilarious. If you guys haven't seen it yet, well, go and do so when you can. It's a survival horror type movie, but with a sense of humour. It's not a spoof, but it's as funny as a good one.
  10. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    That movie (Day after Tomorrow) was a load of political horseshit. I just love the last line of the movie made by the president of the US.¹

    Anyway, rosie, here's the scoop.

    Idiotic Environmentalists, heretofore referred to as Id-En, would have you believe all this crock. Do you know that if you say "Earth's recent happenings" that most scientists refer to "recent" as anywhere from 2.5 million years ago to present day. Yeah. Id-En, however, would have you believe that "recent" means the last 20 years. That's bullshit. The Earth has gone through dramatic global temperature flucuations in the last 2.5 million years alone. This is not something new.

    Secondly, there is no way, I repeat, NO WAY that humans can effectively alter the state of the globe all on their lonesome. No Way. You may say, "Burning fossil fuels" "Destroying the Ozone" but that's malarky. Do you know how much ozone is created every single day? The amount produced every day is simply unmeasurable. The only way to stop ozone production would be to effectively block out the sun, since that's how ozone is created, the sun's rays interacting with the atmosphere. Our life times are a blink of an eye compared to the earth. Nothing we do can effectively change the climate of the earth in our live-times, those of our children, their children, their children, etc, etc, etc. 2.5 million years to the present, remember?

    I don't know if anyone here is old enough to remember, but back in 1970-something, the Times Weekly magazine had as their cover story that the world was about to plunge into another ice age.


    "The fate of the world is now dependent on those countries that we have so long considered "'Third World Countries'", and we are grateful to them for being so open and receptive to us." (Not word for word)

    Oh my God. I scoffed when the actor said this. I scoffed loudly. An old man sitting just down from me turned and glared at me, hard. (I'm sure he was getting a lot outta the movie, and he was probably going to go home, and write a letter to the President about doing something to rid our dependence on oil, and then he was going to go out and march against the G-8 Summit that's about to start near our home town, and then he was going to visit, and vote for John Kerry, and march for gays rights.) Anyway, the visual effects were good, but I just couldn't get the bad taste of politics shoved down my throat. Fuck, I'm there to watch a movie, not have someone preach to me about something they believe in, and make me out to be a bad guy cause I don't cater to their stupid whims.

    I now sit back and wait for the rebukes. "B-bb-bb--bb-b-b but, but the world is getting WARMER!" Puh-leeze.
  11. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

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    Oct 12, 2002
    retard, you are quite wrong.
    I haven't seen the movie, and am certain it drastically overdramatizes the effects of humans on the environment.
    However, humans do affect the environment. In massive, large-scale ways. The problem is that we don't really know how we affect the environment. We don't know what the planet was going to do and what is our fault.
    CFCs did have horrible affects on the Ozone layer, and as such were taken out of use.
    Massive amounts of ozone are created every day, but you know where they are created? Way the fuck below the ozone layer, so that they don't help at all.

    Although in many ways you are probably right, in relationship to the movie, this:
    is probably one of the most moronic things I have ever seen.
  12. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2002
  13. Quethim

    Quethim New Member

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    Sep 18, 2001
    I got just one thing to one knows how or when the world will end. The movie is just a movie...entertainment, it wasn't built to be "realistic" or was made to get money...and money is what it got. All the creater of the movie cares is if it got money...

    Will the world go into an ice age? No one can't prove these types of things either. Maybe the armegeddon will happen first...which will lead the world to just go into a disator from one knows.
  14. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Icairus, if George W. Bush wanted to massively alter the state of the planet, there's no way he could do it. I see you have fell victim to the Id-En's rabble that humans have disasterously and irreversibly affected the planet in the last few years. Horseshit. Global changes of any kind take years. Not a hundred, not a thousand, but millions. The earth is what, 3.5 billion years old? A million years is a short period of time, much less 20 years. Quit thinking small, and look at the big picture. I, for one, refuse to accept a lesser way of living just because some Id-En says I'm killing the planet.

    I read an article somewhere, and I'll be damned if I can't find it, but in short the article stated that the one variable that is never figured in to tests on greenhouse effects are clouds. There's really no way to make a cloud, so to speak. The article went on, saying that this basically reduces all tests done on greenhouse effects to pure hokey shit. One factor in the greenhouse effect is that it produces more clouds, which, in turn, block out sunlight. Hmmmm.... Nature's own way of keeping things in check?

    Like rosie said, Icairus. You say my statement was moronic. Prove it.
  15. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Well, I'm on Icairus' side. If we went and blew up every nuke on Earth, I think that would have a pretty dramatic effect on the environment. Nuclear winter is what they call it I think.

    Anyway, if we went and chopped down every tree on the planet (which some companies seem intent on doing) where would we get our oxygen from? We certainly wouldn't be able to extract enough from other places to keep up with demand. So I'd say that chopping down all the trees would ALSO have a pretty big effect on the planet.

    Also, Icairus isn't wrong about the CFC's - there's a big fucking hole in the ozone layer above Australia, which JUST MIGHT BE the reason we have the highest skin cancer rate in the world. Something like 2/3rds of all Australians can expect to get it, because hey, we've got no fucking ozone layer above our heads. It also took millions of years for the ozone layer to form, and we managed to destroy large portions of it in a few decades.

    This is one of the most selfish statements I've read. I'm sure you've seen my rants here before against all the people who hunt endangered animals, and I bet they have the same sort of attitude. You talk about the bigger picture, but when you kill off a species, it's fucking gone forever. I'm not a big fan of the tree huggers myself, but I accept that they have a point in some cases. If we go and trash everything, using up every natural resource we can find, saying all the while "It's cool, the earth is a few billion years old, I'm sure it can handle it..and besides, it's my RIGHT to be doing this" then we are going to look pretty fucking stupid when we irreversibly damage the environment.

    I also think that anyone who lives in the Chernobyl area would also call bullshit on your claim we can't alter the environment. Sure, it'll maybe get better in the long term, but 10000 years in the future is longer than all of properly recorded human history to this point, and maybe a quarter of the entire time we've existed.

    In short, there are plenty of examples of how we have managed (and getting closer in other cases) to fuck up large sections of the planet. The Great Artesian Basin is Australia is being slowly drained, leaving a shitload of salt on the surface (not to mention losing all the water). As a farmer, I'm sure you know this isn't a good thing. Polluted rivers and lakes abound. Don't fucking say to me that we can do whatever the fuck we like, and pump out whatever chemicals we want from factories, and everything will be okay, because it won't. You can't fill your body with whatever chemicals and foods you want and expect to stay healthy no matter what, so why is it different with the Earth? It may be harder to adversely affect it, but it's still possible, and it's fucking happening.
  16. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    You should check out "The Life of David Gale".

    I agree with the not being preached too bit. I've seen a few movies where they do that. I prefer just "the facts" (even if they are presented in a biased way) and then have it left for us to make up our own mind, rather than "This is what must happen". I have to admit I'm talking more about the doco-movies here though.

    Anyway, you willingly watched a movie where this "fantasy" is a reality and you DON'T expect the President to say something like that? It's not as if he can say "Well, Global Warming doesn't exist and all this Ice Age stuff would've happened anyway and while I'm here, those fucking Arab bastards are gonna cop it once we get our army back up", considering what happens in the movie an' all...
  17. Sea Dog

    Sea Dog New Member

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    Nov 24, 2003
    Bullshit. America alone has enough mega tonnes of nuclear power to blow the world to shit. Reminds me of a flash animation. I wish I could find it. But basically it's about an exchange of nuclear weapons and everyone dying. Damn funny.

    Not to mention the South's agriculture industry. All those damn cows. Hell, they'd probably be enough to blow the ozone layer away by pure kinetic force.

    I personally think that humans, by their powers combined are screwing up the planet but I don't give a shit because I'll be dead or dying and there ain't no captain planet gonna save us this time either. :cry:
  18. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    It's a good thing too. That kid with 'heart' power was a complete faggot.

    He did have a monkey though.
  19. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

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    Oct 12, 2002
    Prove what?
    Prove that I exist? Can't do that.
    Prove that you exist? Can't do that either.
    Prove that I am actually making this post? Impossible.
    Prove that cause and effect exist? Not something I can do.
    Prove that what I believe to be the laws of physics are right, and that they could possibly apply to you? I cannot do that either.
    Prove that we live on the same planet? I really can't do that.

    All your arguments about the state of the earth are moronic and totally false.
    Yes, the planet has been around for millions of years and we cannot affect it geologically.
    However, that atmospheric crap going on on the surface is brand new, not to mention "life." These things are new, and exist in a pretty deliicate balance. We can sure as hell fuck them up.

    I know full well we know nothing about clouds, and what all these greenhouse gasses and things are going to do.
    However, the Hole in the Ozone layer and nuclear weapons are pretty damn good proof we can affect the section of the planet we live on.
  20. Calis

    Calis Member

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    Apr 20, 2001
    God, that was a dumb movie. Go watch Dawn of the Dead instead. Or Shaun of the Dead. Or anything else that ends in "dead". (well, maybe not anything )
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