I have just recently gotten a virus in my e-mail. The e-mail appeared in the Bulk Mail folder from "Love Inc." <loverscreensavers@love.com> It is called "Sample Screensavers". Here is the message: The file is Love.src which is a windows screensaver file. I was suspicious and scanned it. I got the following reply: Virus W32.Yaha.K@mm found. So if you get this e-mail, DON'T DOWNLOAD THE ATTACHMENT!!!!
Good catch, nbrosz. I'm very proud of you. I got that e-mail, and because of your fine skills, I am virus free. To bad you weren't with me in Thailand, oh well, thanks again.
This made me smile. Nice one . nbrosz, how many viruses have to go around before the message gets through to people like you? Just don't download attachments from people you've never heard of, and you won't get a virus in your email!
Well, I received my first virus about a week ago - the subject line can be 'True Love', 'war Againest loneliness', or something about 'ur freind' (they're all spelt like that ) - that kind of chain-mail-sentimentalism. *pant* On the three inboxes I've seen it on (home, hotmail and my friend's), the sender has been 'Jovo Pekajovic'. Don't preview them - some can get into your system through a bug in IE or Outlook.
Heh, that's why I have a junk mail folder. Besides the fact that I was getting overloaded with porno, lower your dept and viagra adds. I don't think I've ever had a virus from my e-mail. Junk mail folders really do help though, some people are very dumb and check every single e-mail folder they get.....
i get tons of those e-mails Dragoon was talking about. the person who sends them is named .. and it has topics like what he named. it's driving my crazy... :-o
Idea I see more warnings of this sort than I see actual viruses. This is because viruses are preventable by basically anyone capable of the basic thought processes involved in complex processes such as breathing. In order to prevent basically all viruses, there are really only two things you have to do. 1. Don't open attachments, unless you know exactly what they are (ie, you have been informed by the person that the attachment would be sent) 2. Don't use Outlook or Outlook Express when opening an e-mail with an attachment