After you leave the realm of the Dark Elves and Virgil runs off to "do something" (if you're of good alignment), you're supposed to find his dead body surrounded by bandits in the basement of The Sobbing Onion in Caladon. Well, I went there and there was NO dead Virgil! Just the semi-circle of bandits. I'm not sure if I have the patch installed, like I know I should (I don't even know if this is an official bug). Maybe the problem lies in the fact that I'm running Arcanum off a no-CD crack (my original play CD became scratched beyond repair) or I use a character editor on myself and my followers. Any help out there?
Having the patch is worthwhile. Check to see if you have it. I didn't know there was a no-cd crack for the latest patch that was, well, stable. Check the trees around Tsen-Ang. He gets stuck in the trees there sometimes, in which case it's reload or forget about him. I've wanted to experiment with killing him, dragging his body to a clear area, and resurrecting him, but he never gets stuck in my games. Some have also reported that leaving the basement and reentering will trigger his appearance. He doesn't start dead btw, and sometimes fights the bad guys and wins if he has a nice enough weapon. I take his stuff away before he leaves to make sure he dies, otherwise the plot gets a little creepy.
Also, in the unpatched version if you get him back he has lost everything in his inventory and is at level 20, regrdless of his level before.
Yeah, I've had that happen to me. At least 80,000 gold worth of Arcane items were in Virgil's and Vollinger's inventory. Lost it all.
I had once killed them all before Virgil died but Virgil behaved like I resurrected him. That was long time ago, I don't remember the version I did this, and I wonder if it works with 1.074.
I've had the same experience with 10.7.4, I also remember someone saying that they had a Virgil in platemail with a pyrotechnic axe and even though he killed them all he still behaved like he died. He has to, the whole idea is that he has 'seen the other side' and so knows what Kerghan is talking about.
Thanks for the help guys. Leaving the basement and going back in made Virgil magically appear somehow but now I have the problem that he doesn't get killed (he's stat-hacked to level 50). However, when I talk to him he says something along the lines of "I believe I may be better equipped to fight Arronax" but he doesn't tell me about his past or anything like he should. He also still has all his previous items.
I went in there with my blade launcher, and a couple good swords, and we managed to kill them before they killed Virgil... the only difference that I've noticed is that he thinks you for saving him.
Ya know, I played a good Dwarf. Slaid the entire polpulation of Tsen Ang, but euh.... Virgil never left. Is this because I thought when I came out of the city with the city guards? He just never left! Or was it because I was totally tech. Me and Magnus, both dwarven techs.
Virgil says the back from the deap because its part of the storyline and it comes up later in the game. Don't worry about it because Arcanum is about fighting and solveing quests. You don't have to get Vigil unless yu feel he is necessary for your team. He is not necessary for your talk with Nasurdin.
Re-reading your post. I think you have mis-understood me. Probably because I was unclear. What I meant with totally tech me and Magnus as what the rest of the party was besides Virgil. I did have him in the party I was 100 good and he didn't walk away. Perhaps because I slaughtered T'sen-Ang with the Half-Ogres you can free. Cause it means you have to fight when you leave the city, which means no time for Virgil to talk However it also doesn't totally work in a different life (Half-Ogre Fighter). Virgil does walk away. I go to Tarant, found out about the death of the brother of Virgil via Hall of Records, go to Caladon... Saved him without dying, but no different template (still pick locks). Though I heard this ought to happen. So I loaded and.... Let him die before I entered fight; restored his life (tech way), no different template. So I loaded Let him while I entered the fight die (not easy, to good party ). However no template change I am patched, but bugged? Or did I not do something in the "quest"? I would like him to get the new template with the spell "harm" and other stuff, which I have been reading here in these forums.