Hello! Well, I have a question or poll for you, guys! Who is your favourite companion in the game? I would say Virgil, mostly because he´s the one who gives you the most dialogues. Yessss..... Good Old Virgil. Well, tell me, who is yours? :grin:
Magnus: Chiefton of the Iron Clan-to-be. Make all the high friends you can! :grin: Loghare: Fun to have around and is strong and just plain cool! 8) Worthless Mutt: Anything but worthless. The best figher avalible! Virgil/Raven: Good healers if you are magickal. Otherwise good for holding your junk. Automatons/Arachnids: Can't live without 'em! Jayana: Pretty good healer if you are technologically inclined. That Boil guy (forgot name): Can work guns and technology pretty well.
Torian Kel all my life! He's the best NPC! Although in every city we visit he says "I've never seen anything like this", but he's the best fighter. You noticed he can say a few words about Kree when you're there? And of course Geoffrey, is the... second best! *mummy, hit, hit, fireflash, desintegrate*. It's a very good sequence, mostly when just does desintegrate! Or Perriman in good characters. And maybe Gar... I recently discovered how he has so many dialogues; once I thought he'd be like Weldo, who can't say anything about anywhere.
Waromon Waromon, Gorgoth, they are just plain cool. I like having Raven and Zan, because they hate each other so much although there are definately better followers. Sogg is good because he comes in early, and has a nice, high strength so I make him carry all of my stuff Of course, the worthless mutt is the best follower by a long shot, it is good in battle and doesn't take up a char spot. Don't ever let Magnus be a follower, kill him as soon as you see him, or better yet, before. He gets mad when you attack innocent folk such as a door or Stringey Pete. If you let him be a follower, you will want to remove your sound card so that you do not hear is annoying voice telling you not to attack person x.
hmm, toughie since I haven't finished the game, but I would say that 1) Dog (reminds me of Dogmeat) 2) Virgil 3) Sabastian
Re: Waromon I'm sure if you played like a good person, you wouldn't hear his minor hatred vs. you killing innocents, of course, if you are going to kill uncontrollably, perhaps magnus isn't your best choice. I take my liking to the automatons and arachnids, they aren't very fast, but they help you whether you're Satan, or Jesus :grin: .
Magnus Ray, I had an 80 good character, the only time I allowed Magnus in. He gets pissed no matter what you attack. This includes things like pigs, doors, Tribbles, Dopefish, Orcs, and Ogres. The only thing you should attack with Magnus arround is him.
Hm...well, I never seemed to have problems with magnus, although, I would really like it if the game allowed you to control the followers, as an example: as soon as magnus bashes me for attacking the door or bunny, if it isn't dead, he and everyone else runs in and tries to finish the job. thats my only pet peeve, the uncontrollable retards following you. I'd much rather have them as pack mules that didn't attack, then have them do what they do...
Is Vollinger any good as a follower? I want a tech party, and he and Sebastian seem to be the only followers who are good with guns
OK He is OK, but he is also a Molochean, so you have to read the stuff from Elder Joachim, about the Molochean Hand, otherwise he will leave. I am not entirely sure what happens, it hasn't actually happened to me.
Vollinger will leave and tell you to meet him in "Vollinger's meeting place", north of Torg's Altar. Then he's supposed to kill you!
Is Vollinger supposed to be a bloody coward??? I just had a couple of fights while he was in my party and you know what he does? He runs away! You know, when you're surrounder by monsters and you kill one, the others often flee? Well my new friend Vollinger does it too, I shoot a rat and he runs away from me with other rats! Bloody Molochean hand, can't even give their assassins a decent training.
Give Vollinger Sammie White's Hand Cannon, or just let him cary a revolver. Bronwoik's Gun when you get it. Eye gear, if you can. His tactics are back off & shoot. He will grow to like you & is good to have in a fight. Also, he prowls. I have sometimes spun off an all prowling sub party. You can make money having him build you Flintlocks & Revolvers. Strong Poision too. & for the tech party, Charges.
So tell Magnus to "back off" or hit F5 to call everyone off what you want to attack. And why are you attacking bunny wabbits anyway? They're so cute and fwuffy, with little tails and noses that go Up and Down! Up and Down! That reminds me, I have to go back and kill the Caledonian rabbit breeder after I finish the werewolf cure quest.... Rabbit Liberation Now! *ahem* Back to the topic. I must admit to a certain fondness for Virgil, though I'm upset that his reaction to me is always so mediocre. I mean, some random person on the street I can talk to and get their reaction sky high, but even after years of travel and several spectacular instances where I've saved his life, Virgil still regards me rather cooly, or even worse if I'm not wearing that smoking jacket he's so damn fond of. I mean, like, pfft! I just can't do anything right in that man's eyes. :grin: