He carries one, that is true. Also, you can get it as a gift if you deny mastery training, I think. I was referring to the pistol though.
Actually, I think you can buy or steal it from some gunsmiths. That might be just my faulty memory though.
Yes, every combat skill benefits from it, but I still find that the benefits ranged combat gets are even more noteworthy as the chance to be...
Well, a gunslinger could always put points into prowling though and be amazed at how enemies don't seem to care being shot from apparently nowhere...
1. Correct. Prowling gets boosted to broken levels if you receive the master training. If you combine it with backstabbing it gets even better....
Wait, what?
He already does, as the mechanized gun and tesla gun have a standard speed of 20 and 1, respectively. I'm really curious about that, actually....
If the arach is very important to you then did you consider drinking an essence of intellect for that single dialogue?
My recommendation would be to try a half-orc with the Beat with an Ugly Stick background. The character will barely have any beauty which might...
I think you can use a second fortifier which then cancels the first, damage included.
As far as I remember it raises your damage resistance by about 30%. Took me a while to figure it out as well.
Well, iirc an item's weight is an important factor for the damage calculation when throwing it (unless it's a throwing weapon by definition I...
I wonder if I will ever tire of Muro's pics.
I guess your minions won't be affected by your technical aptitude, as they're creatures of their own. Also because they game most likely addresses...
2. Each manual raises your "expertise" in the chosen field by a number equal to your intelligence (which is why potions might be helpful here, as...
Separate names with a comma.