Pete Ask him about the Third Task, he marks The Bangellian Deeps on your map. It is in there. Pretty fierce fighting.
Ancient Elven Bow?! Did you say Ancient Elven Bow or something? I remember those in the story from Torian Kel, but you can actually get them? If...
My worst had to be when I was shooting at a couple of arachnids, Damage+200%, Scarred, Knocked Down, and I guess my gun hit me in the head, I died.
Thanks Thanks but just reading the Patch Stuff said that it will fix the problems with his quest! And Elven Hunter's bow and Ellumyn's Bow now do...
Ok. I gave the treasure to Molly Williamson, got a new stone for Vooriden(did it before he asked), and burned the Bangellian Scourge(did that...
Underground You have to get the map of the Tarantian Sewers to join the underground, after being asked to do it by Thaddeus Mynor.
Version If you haven't updated, I think followers get mad when you hit them accidentaly and that might be your problem.
Pick Pocket To get Pick Pocket training, you MUST join the Theives' Underground. The apprentice is the Halfing at Vermillion Station, Expert is...
Stillwater Giant. If you lost the skin and are just pissed, kill Myrth and bring his amulet to Gaylin, the healer in Shrouded Hills. I think she...
Bows Hmph. I found a decent bow (I think it was Mystic Bow) in the OVERRUN Tarant Sewers, but it is no guarantee! But, a good bow would be Magick...
Li'tani The Li'tani is offered to Ter'el, the Elven God in Falcon's Ache, just follow the path to a tree area.
Teach Teach is in the Northern most boat on the docks in Ashbury, if I remember correctly. Check your map, he is just north of the Elven Merchant...
DOES ANYONE ELSE BUT ME PLAY WITH MAGIC?! It seems like everyone else is just a gun slinger. I, personally, think the magic in Arcanum is awesome....
Separate names with a comma.