holy smokes.. after all this time i had to drag the notes and manuals to one of the 1-0 quickslots and click the appropriate numbers to view...
re defragged, (i didnt think HD was the problem). When I enter a bar with lots of people, it really crawls. Even if I open my logbook (to...
Same here, Duron 750, Geforce 2 32mb, 448mb pc100 and I get extreme slowdowns when I'm in shops especially in tarant and caladon. I keep...
hahah, I thought of it too. Whenever I read his name I always kept thinking Gates
What do you mean percival isnt talking to you? If he didnt say anything at all it might be because you have to set something to verbose or...
I know that one you're talking about. There is actually another way to meet up the brute fangs, not through the stairs you went up (you get...
Learn the schematics yourself. Then go buy 10 technical manuals of every school so you can make those things.
Check the other thread "Arcanum problems"
As I said, try loading up the arcanum and vomantown modules from the world editor.. In my case I dont think it was anything wrong with the CD...
I had a similar problem. Go to your arcanummodules directory and check the size of arcanum.dat and compare it with arcanum.dat in your cd1....
1) Is there anything you can do with the camera recovered from crash? I didnt give it to Ristezze(sp) in Shrouded Hills, I gave him Bessie's boots...
Yea thanks for the replies =) Holy shit am I ugly hehe, scars here and there. Is there a doctor somewhere I can get these healed? It suggests...
re It is understandable that the somewhat ignorant palestinians might have been celebrating. The States have been giving funding support to...
1) Why is my beauty now 6 instead of 8 (humans start at :cool:. The color for beauty is red. I removed all my equipments, disbanded all my...
Separate names with a comma.