*Looks at the FMF forums* Invaded? Infected and raped more likely. Christ xento, could you at least keep your parasitic online presence...
My god. Such an enormous waste of time. One's mind can hardly grasp why less senseless activities aren't preferable to spam.
I'm glad i live in Denmark. It's big news here if a cop fires his gun. Front page news if he hits anyone :razz:
Try dll-files.com.
Just put {ii} at the end of a dialog option. Like this: {Can you identify something for me?}{}{5}{}{0}{ii} Yeah, something like that.
But wait... This guy could be Hel Khat! No no, think about it. He has five letters in his name. Hel Khat had seven. 7 - 5 equals 2, and "Hel Khat"...
HYE!! dont steel m7y languich I H8 U!!!!11 LLOOLOOLOLOLOL JKJKJK/JKKJJHK
If we were a planet in a snow globe, wouldn't there be some enormous waving Santa somewhere for everyone to look at? Or a snowman, or a church or...
Not to sound rude or anything, but was there something about this you'd like to discuss? I mean, if we all started thinking out loud this forum...
Even if info from the internet can be unreliable, i think i'll put my trust in http://www.rockonthenet.com. I'm not much of a stoner myself,...
Hmm... Call me a skeptic, but there've been attention whores on this forum before, and i don't really know if i believe this. But, let's say i...
He pointed out that the game was spelled "Hawk", not "Hack". Why he pointed it out i do not know. But hey, i have midtown madness lying around...
Right now i'm listening to a song called "Up where we belong". Cheesy maybe, but fuck it, i like it. Other than that, TISM and Queen takes some of...
I got more shocked when i first read Sheriff's post and read Low Airfairs as Love Affairs. As for the thread starter there, that's just one...
I think we've all been double-had by Slug. He's been yanking us around while we think we've been jerking him around. He's some sort of super-smart...
Separate names with a comma.