yeah, f**k the cop
if you have teach background then you can tech your followers only learned skills .....not schematics, spells etc. And you must be at least...
using dbmaker.exe (as captured from dos screen) dbmaker [option] output input valid options: -r Recurse subdirectories when...
because this directories contain only a few files and all others files are stored in compressed dat file
i prefer turn-based, i like full control and i want keep followers out of fight.....they stole my experience...
Scripts are created in SriptMaker (i don't remember exact exe name but this program have monkey icon..check arcanum game directory) and can be run...
Yep, you are right :smile: but why I can't wear/wield their items manually....maybe next patch can have override for followers management...
read Troika official manual for WorldEd or try Dark Underlord's tutorial
try disperse magick and then lockpick/unlocking cantrip/bashing
I'm always curios about NPC evaluation of items, because they sometimes use weapons/armor/items that are worse then other things in their...
He is probably wearing/wielding some curse item with poison DOT. Check his inventory and remove it.
Command your followers to don't attack. (Hit F5 key - all back off) And then you fight alone....
You can download this library here and the save it into your windows/system directory ...but to your problem: what about returning to place...
Not exactly Logo is maybe your signature picture but I have in mind header graphic as presented for example on official page(full-screen width...
:oops: You're right Characters start always on 1st level
Separate names with a comma.