D20 Arcanum

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Arthgon, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. The_Deathsangel

    The_Deathsangel New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 3, 2008
    I actually meant the reverse. You seem to go away more from D&D by removing a lot of creatures an creating a whole bunch of classes that way.

    Let me be a bit more specific. I created but only one new class: The Engineer. Which is the all out tech class.
    This does make more magic classes available, but even in Arcanum tech is new.
    I made tech however more generally available for all, by making it so that a rise in ranks in crafts skills would allow for a rise in TA. Thus even a fighter can take a few crafts (I have one at the moment) and seriously go up.
    Those that specialise in TA get USR - Uncontrollable Spell Resistance. This SR effects all targeted spells. This means that stuff like fireball (or fire flash for Arcanum only players) will work against a techie, but things like harm and heal spells (among many others) don't.
    MA causes TA devices to malfunction and possibly destroy them. This is done with a new thing called Disruption Chance. This is unlike Arcanum, mainly as this can now also be used as a bonus (in Arcanum a rise in MA mainly seems negative, whereas TA has positive and negative sides) and is easier to implement. Certainly as Crit failure chances can not work in small percentages as it is a D20 system.
    Futhermore, this way the system looks at both sides more. Instead of a more one sided few of the ineffectiveness or effectiveness of magic.

    This is the basis of my new Campaign Setting. All calculations are already done and staying in the middle so no TA or MA increase, also seems to make quite a strong character. That in itself is also a nice addition to the system as Arcanumm leaves less room for that.

    Viellicht ist es möglich weiter zu redenen in PM. Ich überleg mir ob ich dich die files sollte geben... aber ich kenn dich nog nicht ganz güt und sicher nicht die andere Leute.
  2. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 11, 2005
    I actually, once upon a time and before my computer did it's impression of Ophelia, was writing a RPG system based upon the actual rules of the game. I didn't get too far, but...

    Actually, I may restart it, but I'll use a combination of the Blue Rose rules and some stuff from my True20 books. (For those not in the know, Blue Rose was what gave rise to True20, which I feel is far superior to normal d20.)

    If I get anywhere, I'll make a thread so people can look at it and play it if they like.
  3. capnpeej

    capnpeej New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 7, 2006
    d20 modern technologist class


    A technologist is a man on the cutting edge of the industrial age, a pioneer of modern science.
    Allways striving to out do one another techs are swapping parts and combining fucntions, resulting in amazing

    ...sometimes disaterous ideas. Items rangind from a simple elctric lamp to a high tech flamethrower or mechanized

    armor, technology is a a magic all its own.

    A techs best attribute is his intellegence score, the higher the better bonus he has on all of his creation rolls.
    wisdom, how ever is a valued skill, it allows for a thoughtful pause before lighting new volatile compounds.

    Hit die
    Techs gain 1d6 Hp/level, adding con modifier.

    Action points
    techs get 5 + 1 1/2 the pc level

    Class skills
    profession, read write language, draft schematics knowledge mechanics,chemistry,metalurgy,electricity,demolitions,
    repair, research,search,speak language, tactics, forgery, tumble, jump, climb,disable device,

    starting feat
    2 feats if human plus simple weapon proficiency

    schools of technology

    this school provides basic understanding and practice of most chemicals and poisons. acids, concentrated

    venom,chloroform,hallucinagenics,sedatives and other chemicals, just discuss with your GM.

    this school provides basic understanding of elcetrical theory, electricity can be use to power items like lamps

    and generators, enhance weaponry, even aid in healing.

    this school provides the basic understanding of blowing things and people the fuck up. straight forward, you make

    things go boom.

    this school provides the basic understanding of the construction and operations of firearms. from the lowley

    flintlock to the mighty mechanized rifle, from the looking glass rifle to the blade launcher....from the

    window....to the wallll.

    this school provides basic understanding of natural herbal compunds that can be used in healing, minor scrapes and

    burns, to even bringing back the dead.

    this school provides the basic understanding of moving mechanical parts. from a simple pocket watch to fancy night

    vision goggles.

    this school provides the basic understanding of working metals to create weapons and armor from alloy metals.

    this school provides the basic understanding of tonics and oils that enhance your natural attributes. this is a

    limited but efective school of technology.

    scientific improviastion

    by spending 1 action point a tech can combine commoon objects to make a one use item for the function desired.(

    key,rig a generator,pipe rifle etc) only items that can be used multiple times may be emulated, explosives , for

    example can only be used once , so this ability does not apply.

    techs start with only one feat and simple weapon proficiency, however, they are proficient in any weapon

    or armor they create, any weapon made by a tech is considered an exotic weapon.at every other level, starting at

    first, a tech gets to pick one talen from any tree. a tch gains a uses his wisdom modifer and his intelligence

    modifier, combine with his craft level to determing his tech proficiency.a tech level of 1-30 may choose from the

    basic talent trees, a tech level of 31to 60 may choose from the intermediate tree, 61-100 may choose from the

    advanced tree, special izing in one school gains a + 5 bonus to you craft check for making your tech items. a tech

    is allowed to forgoe the selection of bonus feats to gain another talent, he can only do this as many times as his

    intellegence modifier.


    as lon as a tech has the required tech level, he can choose a schematic off these lists and build it with the

    required parts. makeing new schematics will be done with gm approval.

    basic herbology

    healing salve- ginka root, kadura stem

    fatigue restore- coca leaves, tobacco leaves

    poison cure- venom, kadura stem

    intermideate herbology

    fatigue limiter- fatigue restore, witchbane

    accelerate healing- healing salve,coca leaves

    wonder drug- accelrate healing,poppy flowers

    cure all- wonder drug, big chief snake oil

    advance herbology

    invigorator- fatigue restorer, accelerate healing

    miracle cure- wonder drug,fortifier

    reanimator- cure all, large capacitor


    basic chemistry

    strong poison- floor cleaner,rat poison

    charges- electrolyte solution, metal plates

    animal scent- bromide,perfume

    intermediate chemistry

    corrosive acid- sulfur, carbolic acid

    hallucinite- mushrooms,tonic


    paralyzer- potassium chloride, srtong poison

    anaesthitizer- hallucinite, bromide


    basic electrical

    electric light- filament,lantern

    lemon-potato charges- lemons, potatos

    charged ring- copper ring, capacitor

    flow spectrometer- small elctrical parts, compass

    intermediate elcetrical

    shocking staff- staff, large capacitor

    chapeau of magnetic conversion- top hat, electrical coil

    healing jacket- leather armor, electrical harness

    advanced electrical

    charged sword- balanced sword, large capacitor

    electro armour- electrical harness, basic plate mail

    flow disrupter- electrical harness, steel shield

    magnetized boots- steel boots, electrical coil



    basic explosive

    fuel- wine, yeast

    bullets- saltpeter, charcoal

    molotov cocktail- fuel, bottle, rags

    flash grenade- magnesium, wine

    smoke grenade- fertilizer, sugar

    stun grenade- chloroform, saltpeter

    intermediate explosive

    fragmentaion grenade- blackpowder,nails, metal can

    fire obstruction- kerosene, soap

    dynamite- nitroglycerin, saltpeter

    smoke grenade- fertilizer, sugar

    stun grenade- chloroform, saltpeter

    advanced explosive

    flamethrower- fire obstruction, repeater rifle

    knock out gas- stun grenade, anasthisizer

    mustard gas- fragmentation grenade, corrosive acid

    pyrotechnic bow- fire obstruction, compound bow

    time bomb- dynamite, clock parts

    gun smithy

    basic gunsmithy

    hand crafted flintlock- broken flintlock, metal tube

    fine revolver- revolver chamber, broken flintlock

    repeater rifle- revolver chamber, hunting rifle

    hushed firearm- revolver/ rifle,engine muffler

    intermediate gunsmithy

    looking glass rifle- looking glass, hunting rifle

    hand cannon- fine revolver, metal tube

    elaphant gun- hunting rifle, large pipe

    scatter gun- nails, hand cannon

    long range pistol- fine revolver, loking glass

    advanced gunsmithy

    mechanized gun- clockwork parts,repeater rifle

    rifled cannon- pure ore, hand cannon

    charged accelerater- elctrical coil, repeater rifle

    blade launcher- elephant gun, fine steel dagger

    high velocity pistol- long range pistol, pure ore


    basice mechanical

    short wave communicator

    clockwork arm- clock work parts, metal gauntlet

    spike trap- railroad spike,small springs

    trap springer- metal casing, small spring

    auto skeleton key- small spring, lock pick

    eye gear- pocket watch pars, glasses

    compound bow- bow, clockwork parts

    intermediate mechanical

    clock work decoy- clockwork parts, manequin

    mechanized arachnid- clockwork parts

    steam powered arm- clockwork arm, pressure gauge

    explosive decoy- clockwork decoy, fragmentation grenade

    goggled helmet- eyegear, helmet

    advanced mechanical

    mechanical horse- clock parts,saddle

    healing arachnid- mechanized arachnid, healing salve,fatigue restorer

    gyro copter-clockwork parts,mining cart,pure ore,lemon-potato chares


    basice blacksmithing

    pure ore- iron ore, steel plate

    balanced sword- pure ore

    feather weight weapon- melee weapon, magnesium

    feather weight chainmail- chainmail, magnesium

    intermediate blacksmithing

    reinforced armor- pure ore, plate mail

    battle gauntlets- gauntlet,railroad spike

    mobile armor- leather armor, pure ore

    magnetized shield- steel shield, electrical coil

    advanced blacksmithing

    mechanized plate- palte mail, clockwork parts, dwarven steel

    elite leather- mobile armor, dwarven steel

    elite weapon- melee weapon, dwarven steel, balanced sword

    unbreakable armor- pure ore, feather weight armor


    basic therapeutics

    truth serem- wine,mushrooms

    tonic of physical prowress- dwarven ale, ginka root

    tonice of persuasion- wine, kadura stem

    intemediate therapeutics

    tonic of awareness- ginka root, tobacco leaves

    tonic of enhanced intelect- ginka root,fish oil

    tonic of resistance- dwarven ale, night shade

    tonic of wisdom- tobacco, kdura stem

    advanced theapeutics

    mind marvel- tonic of enhance intelect, kadura stem

    enegizer- ginka root, tonic of awareness

    revitalizer- kadura stem, tonic of resistance

    tech feats

    enhance object
    pre req- none
    effect- add +1 to any die roll for that item

    augment item
    pre req- 15 or more tech leve
    effect- add 1 point of electric/fire/acid/shock/sonic damage to any weapon, or damage reistance of 5 vs that

    elemnt to armor/ clothing

    school mastery
    pre req- tech skill of 61-100
    effect- any item from the chosen school gains a +5 tech bonus

    gear head
    pre req- none
    effect- you gain a bonus of 5 to your tech level, this feat can be taken mutiple times
  4. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    OK - Before anyone jumps the guy, please don't flame him. I see useful information there and I don't even play d20 games.

    Looks like you put some thought into that list, capnpeej.
  5. capnpeej

    capnpeej New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 7, 2006
    thanks rroyo

    it took me a few hours of cutting up the smart heroe, and took a ability for the scientist prestige class. i have never, ever, ever written a character class..... so be nice. i was tired of trying to convert a game or find one done. oh and the higher the tech value of the character is the spell failure, but i think like 10% of it should be spell resistance... i dunno ... i just love arcanum.
  6. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 11, 2005
    Because rroyo asked so nicely, I'll restrain myself from the desire to go 'grr argh die'. But only because rroyo asked.

    I found some interesting Magic/Tech aptitude rules for Savage Worlds that could be used for Arcanum with a little hammering, I might have a shot later once I get some sleep... (ah blessed sleep, how you elude me...)
  7. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    Seconded. This qualifies as useful information. I'd love to see a d20 game made from Arcanum.
  8. capnpeej

    capnpeej New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 7, 2006
    why the restrained anger...is this subject just annoying? im not here that often so i guess i am missing something.
  9. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    It's just that the thread has been dead for about a year and a half. Grave-digging is frowned upon here, unless, of course, you have useful information to add to an existing topic, it's a sticky, or a "Who needs a..." thread.
  10. capnpeej

    capnpeej New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 7, 2006
    well ive always been partial to necromancy...open to feedback
  11. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    Here in this Compressed .rar, you will find some .tga files from NWN (Classes, Class Features, Domains, Prestige Classes, Spells and Skills, etc.) that you might need for the D20 Arcanum.
  12. capnpeej

    capnpeej New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 7, 2006
    thanks that was cool stuff. but my game is based in the d20 modern system, they already have a past setting, so it is easy to incorporate
  13. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 2, 2007
    The rules are very clear - useful information makes a gravedig okay. He's not gravedigging, he's resurrecting.

    Why do a d20 Arcanum? d20 is extremely combat oriented. Arcanum should use a classless system, probably something homebrewed.

    EDIT: Not that I'm biased against d20, or anything. My favorite PnP is Mutants and Masterminds, after all.
  14. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    You can always place the d20 modern classes in the list of schemes, so that the character will spend it's own character points without demanding the player's time and energy. Perhaps you can even replace the backgrounds with the d20 modern occupations. So that you can choose one of those occupations in place of the backgrounds.
  15. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 2, 2007
    When I say we shouldn't have a classless system, I don't mean we should replace classes with professions. I mean that it would make more sense (especially in the Arcanum context) to have a straight point buy system.
  16. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    Yes, that's a good idea. If this system is not working for Arcanum, we can always try using the BRP Rules then.
  17. capnpeej

    capnpeej New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 7, 2006
    i was thinking of the backround idea. im using d20 modern because i know it and its easy. my only problem is a starting mage class, so i am going to work on a watered dow ncaster to replace the smart hero, ill work out a magic level like i did with the tech, but i fear that the spells would be fewer than all the tech talents. oh well they can suffer.
  18. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 2, 2007
    In the true manner of Arcanum, you need to make sure that playing a tech character is completely unfeasible unless you get some 3rd party sourcebooks.
  19. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 11, 2005
    And that (the class thing, uggah) is why I was using Blue Rose when I was trying to convert this. It's a very, very loose system, very feat-and-skill orientated.

    I should totally go back and work on that again. If I can find it.
  20. magikot

    magikot Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2003
    Honestly, if anyone was ever to do a tabletop for Arcanum, I would think it would follow the White Wolf models over D20.

    The World of Darkness dot system I think would just lend itself more to the Arcanum feel, especially given the wonderful setting that is Mage. I don't think it would take too much work to adapt the Mage setting to more closely reflect the Arcanum spells or the Tech Colleges.

    Backgrounds could work like the Mage Paths, Vampire Lodges, or Vampire Clans where you start with free dots in certain skills or attributes, or make certain abilities cheaper to learn.
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