Fantasy Nation Roleplaying - Discussion

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Forum' started by Wolfsbane, Jul 30, 2013.

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  1. Ruda

    Ruda Active Member

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    Feb 6, 2013
    The necromancer empire is fine by me, as long as it's not trying to bring back some sort of ancient leader named Kerghan the Terrible/Worse who's bent on destroying life as we know it.

    It could be quite fun even. Your necromancers could break into the hobbit granaries on Pelagia and steal corpses. Or maybe kidnap exiled gremas from Ur. You could even combine your two ideas : A paranoid dwarven necromancer empire specialising on armour made of ... BONE!!

    Or I could just mind my own nation, eh?
  2. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
  3. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    So boys and girls, I mentioned to Wolfsbane that I would create a nation for you. Feel free to use it or not, change things you don't like about it. I couldn't really fall onto a name so I went with a pretty basic one.

    Flag: [​IMG]
    Nation Name: Tibernium Empire (Feel free to change the name)
    Demonym: Tibernium, Tiber, Tibers
    Race: 80% Human, 20% Others
    Race Description: Humans are the most prominent race in the empire, they range from 5'4" to 6'5". Caucasian with predominantly hazel eyes and dark brown/black hair.
    Population Scale/Nation Size: Large: 1000.000-2000.000
    Government: The empire is run by the emperor who is advised by five councilors. It is not an oppressive form of government, in fact the people love their emperor and have loyally served the lineage for hundreds of years.
    People of Importance: Emperor Tylus Tibernium, lord of the lands and protector of the people. He is almost revered as a savior amongst the lower classes, the upper classes merely respect his noble lineage and there is rumour that a small contingent of nobles may even despise his leadership through jealousy. The five councilors are required to hand over their fortunes and estates, their titles and names to the empire when they are chosen to advise the emperor. It is both the greatest blessing one can hope to achieve as well as a curse amongst the upper class who have lived generations of luxury.
    Capital: Simocratia - named after Simocrates Tibernium, the founder of the empire over 400 years ago. It houses the Grand Palace, the Grand Cathedral of Light as well as just over 50% of the nation's population. It is the largest city in the empire and quite possibly rivals all other cities in the world for size. The capital also houses the academy of magic.
    Settlements: The Tibernium cities are known for their gothic architecture. Every city has several cathedrals built in honour of the Light. Small farming settlements and farming villages tend to be built out of cottages with the civic buildings usually built from stone.
    Nation Description: The Tibernium Empire is a proud nation built up of smaller settlements and cities. Each city is basically a province within the Empire, 500 years ago they were united under one man Simocrates Tibernium. Cities showcase grand gothic architecture, filled with cathedrals dedicated to the Light, the religion that although not forced upon the population, is accepted as being the purpose for existence. The Light is not an entity, it is more a way of life, it imbues the most dedicated of its followers with holy powers that burn through the undead and heal the living. The academy of magic in Simocratia has spent centuries researching the Light but the only substantial information they have been able to discover is that the Light is not magic and you cannot control it, it must choose you and it can withdraw its consent at any time if you are no longer worthy.
    Ambitions: The Tibernium Empire is an ambitious nation that prefers times of peace, even if it must be attained by the point of a sword. They are renowned for their grandiose archaeological expeditions across the world.

    Imports: Exotic foods, spices and delicacies. Precious stones and rare metals. Furs.
    Exports: Grain, Wine, Flax, Bananas, Blueberries and Fish.

    Army Size: 5% of the population are sworn in service.
    Regular troops: Swordmen and spearmen.
    Navy: The Emperor's Flagship is the largest ship in the fleet, accompanied by the nation's mediocre navy.
    Special Unit: The rare Gryphon Knights, the most elite unit of the empire. Many wish to one day soar above the clouds and serve their emperor upon a Gryphon however there is only ever 20 knights ever at one time. Servitude as a Gryphon Knight is until death.

    Magic: Magic is accepted within the empire however anyone who wishes to practice must be registered with the magic academy. Necromancy is punishable by death.

    I was thinking of this location so that is can be in direct competition with Vortigern and therefore keep it in check and vice versa. Of course feel free to make the area smaller if you see fit.
  4. werozzi

    werozzi Member

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    Apr 16, 2012
    Nation Sheet

    Flag: A grey drawing of the Nilh with many decorations over a purple background

    Location: [​IMG]

    Nation Name: Nilhidris, The land on the Nilh

    Demonym: Nilhidric, Nilh.

    -Nilhidric 40%- Although mostly human in nature, Nilhidrics have a special aptitude for discovery and experimentation; years of isolation in their studies not only has reduced their physical strength to that of a weak human, but also turned their skin a pinkish hue, similar to that of a molerat and their hair coal black. Their studies, over time have prolonged their life to the point where the average Nilhidric can easily reach the 120 year mark. They have also great intellect and enjoy study. Although they are fond of discoveries, they dare not venture out of their well secluded studies, hiring people to do their hard work.
    They have developed a great automated industry, harnessing the mechanical and steam power to their will.

    -Human 55%- Humans living in Nilhidris are mostly servants to the Nilhidric, farmers, miners, workers or mechanics, they tend to the lords' villages and manage food and resources. The exception (10%) being mercenaries, adventurers, explorers and their likes, usually hired by Nilhidric lords as guides or to find valuable study material.

    -Any Other 5%- Members of every race reside permanently in Nilhidris, some as scholars, some other try their luck with the lords or try to become military leaders.

    Population Scale/Nation Size: 45,000

    Government: Nilhidric people have no government, but a system of tiered Alchemist lords, leaders of research communities, each appointed by the amount of studies and/or discoveries. Powerful lords have under their charge pieces of land, divided then into villages controlled by lesser lords. The higher rank that only one Alchemist Lord at a time can achieve is Exalted Philosopher, gaining the duty of being the choice-maker of the nation.

    People of Importance:
    -Lord Igneus Turselor, Exhalted Philosopher, he tends to be a fair ruler, yet most of the time he forgets his duties to focus in his studies.
    -Lord Eurpydus Aletorn, Ruler of the northern lands, obsessed with war and strategy, plots to kill Igneus Turselor in order to achieve his place and lead the nation's forces into battle and conquest.
    -Lord Rupheetus Hulgobern, The second-at-charge, designer and creator of most of the army's weapons and vehicles.
    -Lady Murneen Nilheeta, The first and only lady that has reached a high spot in the lordly tiers, also a natural explorer and cultural scholar. her last name, Nilheeta is in an ancient tongue, and means, That who came from the Nilh.

    Capital: The sunken city of Nilh, a floating city that lies in the middle of the crater-lake, spanning for about one kilometer to each side and 200m underwater. It's higher towers reach the 150m.
    There lies the biggest library and many important places for study. The Exalted Philosopher and close lords reside there.

    Settlements: Most settlements are circled, centric villages made of stone. Overlooking those, either tall, richly made towers or keeps seem to guard them. The village is for the common trade, the food production and several workshops, as smiths or specialized artisans, only a few Nilhidrics live in town, since the lords and their apprentices live on their towers and almost never leave.
    Bigger settlements usually have more than one tower, sometimes even libraries, universities and such.

    Nation Description: Nilh is the name of the crater that houses a lake. Nilhidrics throughout the ages have searched for an origin to it, but they have seldom found an answer. They usually keep to themselves, and tend to ignore other nations, or even foreigners in their own as long as they can work in peace.

    Ambitions: The Nilhidrics always try to know the why of everything, although the less bright foreigners tend to believe that they are researching the way to destroy everybody, or achieve immortality, or travel in time. of course, it is not true.
    The lords are always in need of experimental subjects and reagents, always importing more than they can transport at a given time.
    However, the only need that other nations have yet to fulfill is that of sperm oil. However, clever human hunters have developed the arts of whale hunting, and, seeing the high market prices that the oil can achieve, many other people have started to do the same, overcoming their needs and leaving with enough oil to export and make a profit. The alchemist lords, of course, earn and care nothing as long as their supply is constant.

    Imports: Whatever they, they import it, be it metal, food or strange materials. their studies most of the time have them importing goods, sometimes needing them faster than they can be gathered.
    Exports: A lot of books and writings, some weapons and technological objects, sperm oil.

    Army Size: 5% of population is in the army

    Regular troops: The army is mostly composed by marksmen, with triple barreled rifles and short-swords, they wear light breastplates, helmets, arm and shoulder protections made of a light metal over an almost chainmail-strong coat made of rough, dark fabric. The lords usually have higher quality Armour, repeater rifles of a very big gauge and rapiers.

    The Troops are mostly transported by fast sky-ships, armed with their best weaponry.

    Navy: Few ships are still in use, for most intercontinental travel sky-ships are used, yet some smaller settlements still have war galleys ready for battle.

    Magic: Nilhidrics believe that there is no magic, and that there is a reason behind it, so they study it's origin, without practicing it.

    Now, Let's adventure into other nations!
  5. Ruda

    Ruda Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2013
    With these fine additions, I believe I'll withdrawal my plans for a centaur nation. Or it could be in its early stages - scattered tribes waiting for a great leader to unite them. Actually, the world should be sufficiently populated now so I'm fine with skipping it unless one of you really needs another nation.

    Now then, there are an import need that should be taken care of. Mu wants oil for lighting, embalming, moisturising and deodorising. I believe that sperm oil meets most of these demands so it could be taken care of by a naval nation. The thing is that Mammon has a bit too many exports already. Perhaps Pelagia or Nilhidris would be better? But going from their description, I don't think any of the two could be bothered with hunting whales.

    Finally, we should weave together some common history, decide the spread of religion, the strengths of the various currencies and so forth. We should also agree upon trade routes and current relations before getting started.

    Edit: Actually, Mammon is pretty lonely in the south west, as it's a single city. Perhaps your fairytale nation should be included, Wolfsbane? Oh, and if you'd update the world map, that'd be great.
  6. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2009
    Plenty of ocean to the east of the Tibernium Empire, I can make an adjustment.
  7. werozzi

    werozzi Member

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    Apr 16, 2012
    Or, maybe the Alchemist lords also need that oil, and human massive hunting leaves them with enough to spare, thus they sell it to Mu?

    Yup, adding that info.
  8. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Luxury oils for a few thousand isn't really a big market, any nation could fill the order. It's just their only indispensable consumable, followed by replacements for their stuff every century or so.

    Upgrades and maintenance of clocks and calculators would be their biggest expense.

    In real terms, Mu is the world bank, and nothing more.

    I imagine it like an Arabian kingdom: stuck in time, seeped in evil but very good for business.
  9. werozzi

    werozzi Member

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    Apr 16, 2012
    Well, I've got oil to sell.

    I think it would b nice to have a reference document/compiled post with all nations' info, for ease of use during RP.
  10. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

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    Nov 11, 2005
    This is an updated version of the map. Please tell me if something's amiss.

  11. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Not quite where I meant, but I prefer not having my city of undead inside Zanza's paladin empire anyway. All good.

    It all looks awesome when you put it on a map like that.

    PS, for ease of reference, here it is again

  12. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    Looks like a fun world. As I'm not playing though feel free to cut up some of that land. Maybe throw in your Mongolian centaurs south of the empire. Even spin a story how that whole area used to be centaur land until humans settled it and drove them out five hundred years ago. I could picture a necromancer nation on a mysterious island.
  13. Ruda

    Ruda Active Member

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    Feb 6, 2013
    This "nation" isn't entirely rule abiding. I've got no problem with changing things if you don't like something.

    This theft will do for the time being.
    Scattered throughout the eastern parts of the continent. Usually raiding the outskirts of the Tibernium Empire.
    Nation Name:
    Centaur “Horde” (unofficial name as they haven't as of yet formed a nation)
    95 % centaurs, 5 % others (captured slaves mostly.)
    Race Description:
    They are centaurs. You know, half-horse/half-men. Two legged with horse heads.
    Population Scale/Nation Size:
    A great many, but they are scattered into small tribes.
    Each centaur tribe is ruled by a khan, the indisputable leader in all things concerning the tribe. Upon the death of a khan, the title is traditionally past on to the eldest child, but it's not necessarily hereditary. Anyone can claim leadership, but s/he will need strength to back it up.
    People of Importance:
    Everyone in the tribes are equal under the appointed khans. That is, the khans are the only people of importance.
    Settlements: Centaurs live in portable tents (ger) usually made out of hide. The size of a ger makes it impossible to mistake for a man made tent.
    Nation Description:
    The centaurs have no homeland. They are nomads, always on the move, hunting and pillaging to survive.
    Living in a close-knit tribe on the steppes with plenty of small towns to raid, most centaurs desire little else from life. Yet, there are a few ambitious khans that have higher hopes for their people, looking to unite them and found a nation of their own.

    The centaurs have few needs save for survival. They hunt their own and make camp near water sources. They believe in no currency, relying solely on barter.

    Wine (according to greek myths, centaurs were fans of strong wine)
    Kumis (the only commodity they are willing to offer in exchange for barter)
    Slaves (ransomed for wine, sometimes supplies if they are lacking)

    Military: RULES BROKEN!
    Army Size: As part of a nomadic fighting force, all centaur children needs to be able to fend for themselves. The harsh living conditions on the steppes ensures that those who don't, perish. Therefore, all adult members are battle ready. Since they are divided, the centaurs are merely a nuisance, but united they would be near impossible to stop.
    (I hope this is a fair enough reason for circumventing the 5 % rule.)
    Regular troops: Archers. Centaurs are fast moving and incredibly deadly with the bow. They use scimitar for close combat. (They also have a sound grasp of skirmishing and flanking tactics.)
    Navy: Nomads, whose every day is a fight for survival, have little time for shipbuilding.

    Magic: For religious purposes. Will expand upon this.
  14. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 11, 2005
    I like your centaur horde :) They're accepted!

    I'll post the fairytale-nation in a bit. Anyone wanna do something with the north?
  15. Yuki

    Yuki Well-Known Member

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    Feb 28, 2009
    Yes! I'll get to work in a few hours.
  16. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    May I claim (underneath) the mountain range which lies in between the Helvetic Confederacy, Vortigern and the Tibernium Empire?

    I'll polish this up momentarily, if it passes muster.

    Flag: a yellow anvil on a red field.
    Zwergland aka Dwarfland
    Zwergen aka Dwarvish.
    100% zwergen, aka dwarves.
    5' tall, 180kg, tough, strong, hairy.
    Bred from a time when dragons were numerous and larger, dwarves are the tonka tough humanoids. They aren't considered full grown, or properly dressed, without a full suit of alloy armor and a battle axe.
    However, they cannot compete with the streamlined modern humanoids, who breed faster and explore further.
    Dwarves are dying out, but they die hard. About 32,000 remain, most of whom are over 400 yo (middle aged). They spend their time digging and, like all diggers, spend most of that time leaning on their shovels and discussing the next move. They have a deep, natural philosophy which is mainly concerned with atomic theory and molecular structure as it relates to alloys and crystals. This atomic theory is more or less their religion. Their creation myth tells of a smith who slew a dragon.

    Their mines and underground towns are a reflection of their ancient citadels, and give new meaning to the word fortified. There is no one 'capital' and the interlinking tunnels and mines are referred to by engineering reference numbers (eg, "junction 4B"). The thane lives and works along side his countrymen according to projects underway, and the whole underground network is simply called Zwergland.

    Dwarves fight in groups of 4, 9, 16, 25 etc., always square numbers which allow turtle shield formations. Their armor is heat resistant, due to cleverly layered alloys.

    The leader is Thane Dolfrik the Delver, popularly elected king and chief engineer, who has ruled for about four centuries.

    (Tl;dr = isolationist tanks = somewhere between Pratchet mining dwarves and Tolkein first age dragon fighting dwarves).

    Among the miners and engineers, there are about a thousand professional soldiers who use pressurised armor and diamond-edged axes.

    There is no navy. Exports are delivered to the coast via barges which travel through locks on subterranean rivers, and collected by foreign importers.

    Imports - grain, livestock, timber, spices.
    Exports - coal, stone, gold, gems, mercenaries. Dwarven weapons and armor are not exported (black mountain rules apply) but armed mercenaries may be contracted out by the Thane.

    Magic - the idea is disgusting to dwarves, that someone would try and wobble the laws of reality which are, if not exactly sacred, then at least heavily invested in.
  17. Yuki

    Yuki Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 28, 2009
  18. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    We can always fill in the blank green spaces with centaur raiders, and the blank coastlines with pirate cannibals.

    That can explain Mammon being founded by refugees as well as Helvitica being landlocked.
  19. Ruda

    Ruda Active Member

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    Feb 6, 2013
    I agree with ytzk. A little wilderness isn't too bad in fantasy world.

    Also, the snowy mountainous region up north should be filled with dangerous polar bears. Hunting parties sometimes travel there to claim their valuable furs. Some never come back.
  20. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 11, 2005
    Fuggit, I can't make the woodland nation work for me. There's as of this moment no official nation there, just a shitload of angry elves that doesn't like it when people harvest their home for lumber. As a guideline to how I picture our elves, I give you Gump from Ridley Scott's Legend.

    As for the north and south;

    The south is riddled with maraudering centaur hordes and other nomad peoples.

    The north is infested with dragons, borgots and polar bears.

    Let's begin talking common history!

    An updated map will follow soon.
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