Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mrnobodie, Jan 22, 2003.

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  1. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    No no no, Charles is not insane. Hey charles can you ask god for me why he put bush in the anal office and why the are US going to war.

    I don't think you are insane, HEY you know what? I think you should go out and preach the holy word of allah to all people out there and turn them too the right fait, yes go to iran and tell them that you are getting messages from GOD, and they will turn into better people. Yes try it Charles, and give us reports on how the preaching is going your own little thread heh? This could be the begining of something great.

    *takes a deeep breath and prepares to laugh violently for several days* This could indeed be the begining of something great
  2. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    International Law only deal with matter of trade, and other just minor cival matter. There was than moverment by some to have International Law deal with thing like mass murber and rapes commitee by some nations back then. Alot of people said we donot need those kind of laws in International Law. God alway try to use resonaly way to get man to do what need to be done. If that way doesnot work an if God think it must be done he will arrange event in just than way that man will have to change his way to acpect God idears. Internation Law was mostly written by the western power in Europe and America and Japon who saw nothing wrong about mass murber and mass rape of unwestern in the territry they held in Asia and Africa.
  3. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
  4. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    Hey charles i have this funny idea. Why don't you write one of your velformulated letters to the president telling him why he should not go to war in any case? And if he did go to war i think that you could atlest say you did yours to stop it when the whole world turns against him.

    Anyone noticed how his post just go from one subject to another? Sometimes i wonder if he is DU.
  5. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    It would do no good as there are afew neo-conversative pro-hardline Israel supporter behind this polcy. The SECOND DEPARTMENT is working behind the
    sence to stop this what they are going to do I have no idear. The neo-conversative want to redraw the map of the Middle East and destory the Islamic Religion.
    There is really no support for this war in America, the Media Companies are tampering with the poll at Bush order. Than hight ranking Government Official told me this as he doesnot think we could goto war with Iraq.
  6. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Really? Hey charles what is the second department? So ehh charles could you ask god if it is his will to attack america?
  7. mrnobodie

    mrnobodie New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 6, 2001
    charles, jarinor's right, you are a fucking nutcase. it is narrow minded freak jobs like yourself that make me wonder just how the human race has managed to survive this long. pull your head out of your arse and wake up to reality.

    *edit* i just noticed charles, but maybe you should take a drink from my bottle of salvation, instead of whatever your drinking from.
  8. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    First off the SECOND DEPARTMENT does exsit. IT does Intelligence Grathering and Special Operation as need. It gave the Pakistian Government
    support in they standoff with India. It gave Pakistian Intelligence copies of India invadeson plan as soon as they where writen up. India want to caputre than key Pakistian outpost with 800 India commoda while starting artilery dual up the entire forent line. In the first minutes of the Commoda attack 200 out of the 800 where kill and the rest where pin down by machine gun and artilery fire. When India decide to use her airforce to help the Commoda they where meet by Pakistan AirForce planes and mobile anti-air batteries and the India government decide to call off the invadeson plan as it seem that Pakistan knew them already.

    They are under God control than they do what ever is needed to help Mankind grow pass this stage. Yes most of the world government are aware of the SECOND DEPARTMENT and are unable to do anything about it
    for reason I willnot goes into but to say they try once and the SECOND DEPARTMENT was readry to launch all the ICBM of America, USSR and China, so most of the world government back down. The entire missiles crise last 2 to 4 mimutes.
  9. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    This "Second Department" has control over all the worlds ballistic nuclear missles? Does that include the ones the U.S. has in her Trident Submarines? Also you said most of the world's governments backed down during the missle crisis, pray tell god voice prophet, who didn't back down and what was their punishment?
  10. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    The SECOND DEPARTMENT doesnot abuse their power. It was the SECOND DEPARTMENT which recover 8 to 10 suitcase nuke of 250,000 kiloton power from some unlawful element in the world. They look like they where make by
    Pakistan but look can alway be wrong, when the SECOND DEPARTMENT use their Nuclear Damper Field which make sure that no nuclear explosion can take place while disarm then. The inside working show more India builting the
    nukes which certain Terrorist group support by the India government where to use to cast blame on Pakistian. I wrote to the Secretary General on behalf
    and at the command of the SECOND DEPARTMENT about this . We also uncover Israel being also part of this plot after than raid on the place in India where they were make, all the equipment need to make along with the people to make have than unfortunate mishap the equipment was destory. Two of the nuke where to place in NYC one around Wall Street and the other by the United Nation. The UN people where kind of upset about this I hear than the India person at the UN got than earfull from the
    other people at the UN about this.
  11. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

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    Jul 30, 2002
    Oh, that clears things up. Sorry, for a minute there I thought you were nuts. I'm glad there is a SECOND DEPARTMENT watching out for us.
  12. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Hehehe Hey charles when was the second department created? Also would like it if you could tell me the real reason for the forming of the UN. And how does the SECOND DEPARTMENT affect our daily lifes.

    I love that avatar.
  13. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    About the mid 1970's from a Space Empire from Outer Space with 100 % human DNA . It than Fascit Empire that own God big time and God ask then to sent than unit to Earth. They have only than limit manpower so they concentrate they effort at real threat. Their worry more about nuclear weapon and biowarfare agent. Chemical weapon are really not than threat compare to the other two. They are now being reval now as I than getting try of polication useing the threat of terrorism to remove freedom from people. They donot favor one form of governmental over than other.. They do have better relationship with Cuba , Vietman and Pakistan. In they opin the Home Security Department willnot be able to potect USA from terrorism as we arenot getting at the root cause of terrorism which no security force or military force can deal with. The only reason I wrote to
    UN leader was to make sure that the India willnot repeat just than stunt again in the future. The UN willnot in anyway be the form than future world
    government will take. The Soviet Union didnot trust the America and UK government and the America and UK didnot trust the Soviet Union. Than they all fear than UN with real power to impose his will on governments around the world.. The UN is doing than petty good job comsidering the handicap they are working under.
  14. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    I just have one question here...

    What bloody language is that in???? I have NO idea what this chap's saying...

    Maybe he doesn't either...~shrugs~
  15. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    Maybe he comes from that space empire.
  16. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    That is a distinct possibilty. Ermm..Klaatu Nictu Verata?

    And in answer to your signature there...Simple.

    George W. Bush, before he completely decimates the world and the freedoms of the American people. All in the name of oil...I mean freedom.
  17. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    I have a question for Chucky, how do these space people have 100% human DNA? Even if they were an offshoot of some pre-historic civilization there had to be some foreign influences on the genetic structure. I don't even think that all humans of earth have 100% human DNA. Now I'm not saying that we're all a bunch of human-monkey super hybrids, but people are quite different. From our physical appearance to our personality we are each our own.
  18. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Okay, for all the people who don't know the deal with Charles, I guess we'd better put another summary together. In short:

    1. Charles is over the age of fifty. How far, we don't know.
    2. Charles may or may not have served in the armed services. I can't remember.
    3. Charles claims to have a mental disability of some sort, which impedes his ability to write coherently, and also to use a grammar and spell checker.
    4. Charles regularly averts worldwide nuclear (and non-nuclear, but with emphasis on the nuclear) disasters, simply by writing to the leaders of the countries involved and informing them of their own secret government information and activities, as well as that of their opponents'.
    5. These countries include India, Pakistan, Egypt, Israel, and others, possibly including Libya.
    6. Charles is pro-Islam.
    7. Charles regularly speaks to God, about such topics as lingerie and Playboy.
    8. Charles is anti-American.

    Make of this what you will. Just ignore everything he says.
  19. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    How can he be anti-american and still know a lot about lingerie and playboy? What's more american than that?
  20. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    ~LOL~Duly noted Jarinor. Interesting. Averts disaster by writing, eh? How does anyone make any sense of it, pray, tell?

    Me..I'm certainly not anti-american, but I am anti-Bush. Of course some of the more close-minded might say that's the same thing. But everything looks the same when viewed through the small intestine.

    Well the only thing more American than lingerie and playboy would be...
    Planting troops in third world countries to defend our freedom?

    Excessive over-eating because we're so wealthy and lazy that obesity is a national epidemic?

    Maybe using engine technology that's nearly 30 years outdated because the oil companies don't want to lose their grip on all that oil/blood money?

    Destroying wildlife refuges for the sake of digging up this extremely limited resource?

    Fighting terrorism by blanket-bombing an allready decimated country?

    Using an extremely limited and slow re-generating resource like trees for paper, instead of using a resource that replenishes itself in about six months to a year?

    Cutting deals with logging companies to clear cut sections of national forest?

    Now THAT's America, buddy!

    Oh yeah..don't forget the burgers and apple pie...
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