Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mrnobodie, Jan 22, 2003.

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  1. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    First off I only gave the SECOND DEPARTMENT they name three or four year
    ago, before that other agency around the world refer to then as the nameless
    ones. I remember working than the wharehouse when my ex-wife was disorion me, there was going to be than secret raid on the topless bar I was going to. My boss was getting telephone call from very Intelligence agent and
    terrorist group and very criminal orginate on this planet telling me not to go to the topless bar, I didnot go instead I went to the bus stop and wait for the bus and when the police show up with my ex-wife lawyer and she I wave my hand at her in greeting the only polic thing to do. Well my ex-wife make one mistake of accure me of beating her up very days. When I went to see my lawyer the best on Long Island at that time who handle copute political, crooked corporate leader, policeman in legal touble, drug dealer, member of
    the Mafie, Rock Star in drug trouble.. Now of the above very rarely see the
    headman they mostly see the headman parter. I was call in to see the headman while wearing orginate clothes while veryone also was wearing 1000 dollar suits. My ex-wife make one fatal mistake her sister already from up in Boston wrote to the DA than letter saying that I never hit her while marry and she saw her bang her face on the table to make it look like someone hit her. The DA went to her house with two special master appoint to by than highter court than familly court one that handle criminal case. Their thought than window saw her bang her face on the table. I would have lose the case as I have gotten my lawyer on it too late, my lawyter and her lawyer where notical by the DA of what he and two special
    master saw. She commitee purjury to her lawyer, the DA , the Grand Jury,
    and the criminal and civil law court judges. Her lawyer did something which
    I donot understanding which allow the case to be reopen while it was being
    close as he want to drop her as than client, the high court judge said he cannot drop her as than client for some reason I donot understand. The upshot was the Grand Jury was recall than ask to consider some new fact than the ingent and arrest warrent where cancle , their where for some reason not enforce by the police they have the arrest warrent for six month than did nothing. The family court grant the divorce and state that I beat her up veryday but denie her than writ of protection permanently, she
    was asking for 2500 dollar amonth in support the court reduse that alway down to zero, don't feel sorry for her she was makeing 50,000 dollar ayear
    in income compare to my 11000 dollar ayear in income. NOW ( the National Woman Orginal ) lawyer who took over was unable to get the state or federal court to change these ruleing. As than appeal court judge said "what do you want to do, she false accure her ex-hushand of beating her up which he was faceing 30 year behind bar and she comittee purjury
    while under oak."
    I was trying to pick than name which will screw up the electonic intelligence network of America, I didnot know China Intelligence department is also call the Second Department. That matter was straighten
    out God SECOND DEPARTMENT is all cap letters.
  2. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Charles, good buddy, I really think that that was the most irrelevant post I've ever seen you make. What did taking your wife to a topless bar have to do with the possible war with Iraq?
  3. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    NO you are not so fucking stupid because, ocupying a country because of oil like kuwait would
    A: make you just as bad as saddam

    B: Pull your head out your arse here, if you ocupied a country like that with military power do you think the population would go: "ahh great"? NO they would not there would be resistance movements and you would have huge losses, the american opinion would most likely turn and the president would definetly not be relected, also the US would be compared to hitler-germany. Then again your country have never been occupied

    C: Then you would make anything the terrosrist like osama has said about you true. There would be flocks of angry peopel ruching to the terrorist groups and the situation in the middle east would be unbearebole. It would be like giving the best gift to osama. There would be heavy resistance in all of the world.
    D: make the european nations turn away from you an call you nazis and madmen if you ocupied a country just because of oil, come to think of it norway was ocupied last time just so hitler could get controll over the iron recources.

    That is why the US Would not be that stupid.

    Try to think a little bit and see if why have norway (example) so few terrorist against us, hmm maybe because we try not to offend other nations. I have no doubts that this war is anything than a chance to get oil in the name of "the american dream".
  4. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003

    Lotsa action here. Nice to see people thinking.

    Yes, I'm well aware how big a part genetics play in obesity. So the reason obesity is considered a national epedemic is because all the people in the world with that affliction moved to America?

    Genetics explains a percentage of the problem. What percentage? I've no idea. I'm not a statistician. I'm also overweight. What of the rest? It couldn't be that we live on pizza and fast food. That we come home from the office and plant ourselves on the couch with our remote controls. Or in front of the computer. Ever seen a fat farmer? Or ranch hand? Rarely. Similarly, heart disease is a by product of the industrial era. Very few people suffered heart attacks prior to the advent of complicated machines to do our work for us. Prior to the sea of red meats and deep fried food available any time at the local market.

    Funny how we Americans are the good guys, how it's ok for us to make fun of poorer peoples, or countries, but if someone makes fun of us, or points out our flaws, there's an uproar. But that's just human nature, I suppose.

    As for being misguided..well not as misguided as those who think this world is static, and the resources unlimited. The resource I speak of is hemp. It renews itself in roughly a year, nearly twice as much paper can be made from an acre of hemp than an acre of trees. It can be made to make clothes. High quality clothes at that. Hemp oil, with a minimum of processing, can be used to fuel vehicles more efficiently and cleanly than gasoline. Fuel cells, and the hydrogen engine are more efficient still.

    A few acres. What are a few acres in a rapidly growing world. A world where the natural range of creatures diminishes every day due to man's encroachment on nature. My house is on a 'few acres' and I'd be damned pissed off if some big oil company wanted to put a rig in my backyard.

    What happens to those few acres when one of those massive pipes breaks? Or when a terrorist group targets the site? Or worse yet, when another world power invades the US. One of the tactics in a war is to control the enemies resources. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't. And at the rate we're going, with the present administration pushing for a war, the more likely that becomes. Bark enough, and eventually someone's going to call you on it.

    Most people here have allready covered my own answer to the why not invade kuwait instead. Kuwait is a 'friendly' country. To most of the world. World opinion of America will deteriorate enough if bush invades Iraq with or without UN support. Especially if there's no evidence shown as a reason for the invasion. Imagine now, if bush decided to take over Kuwait for their oil. The bush administration would be likened to the Nazi regime. Or, rather, it would prove their likeness to the third reich.

    As if I didn't have enough suspicions already...

    Terrorism? One doesn't level a country for the sake of a handful of terrorists. Terrorists that the US armed during the cold war. At this point, if the administration is so convinced that saddam has said weapons, perhaps they do know something. And perhaps there's something they don't want us to know. Like the little tags on saddam's so-called WMD, that say "Made in USA"

    Let's take a look at things objectively here.

    9-11: Thousands of people killed by an explosion.

    US Bombs Afghanistan: Thousands of people killed by explosion(s)

    What exactly is the difference? Debris is still Debris, no matter the cause. Tortured souls and shattered lives, remains the only outcome.

    And only the undertaker makes out.

    I'm no pacifist, but I have a conscience. I believe those responsible for acts like sept 11th should face severe consequences. For the sake of the gene-pool. I believe maniacs should be removed from power. No matter which side of the ocean they reside in. Whether they wear a black beret, a blue turban, or a blue three-piece suit. But society reaps what it sows.

    Wow! Long rant. Hope it's not as disjointed as I think it is, I sort of rambled...(betcha din't notice)
  5. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    I think I'm gonna go fucking insane if I read one more CharlesBhoff post.

  6. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    With minimum processing, hemp can also be made into pot. (Or am I just confusing myself?) Some car companies are doing hydrogen cars, but the problem is, nobody seems to care. Too many people still want to drive around in their huge suvs, which eat gas, then bitch about how expensive gas is.

    I'm not really sure if people's opinions about the US have gotten worse since Bush became president (I know mine has!), or whether you guys have always disliked American policy. I'm curious to know though. :)

    Errrr... not that I would mind Charles leaving, but that was TairNean who just posted.
  7. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Myself, I've always been somewhat opposed to American policy. Army service made it worse, when I saw just how many narrow-minded idiots were supposed to be commanding me. Bush has made it worse still.
    He's raised the hackles on my neck from the so-called election. They stood on end when he proposed the faith-based charities program.

    Actually, if you just let it grow, hemp becomes pot. But that's a rant for another day...~wink~

    Well I would hope my posts make a little more sense than charles there...
  8. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    I was reffering to Charles' last post. I'm too lazy to quote everything everytime. If you stay here long enough Snowmane you'll get lazy too. :)
  9. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Everybody that got a massive boner about my "us invading Kuwait" needs to back off. Every single person that has responded to my comments have said nothing but: "bb-bbubut that would be STUPID! Here's why...yadayadayada"

    Exactly my point. It would be stupid. You're arguing a point that I've already made. Forget it. Obviously every one, with the possible exception of Immortal Wombat made waaaaay too big a deal out of that part of my argument. It made sense to me, but lets just drop it now. You guys are making the same argument that I made in the beginning. End of the fucking "invading Kuwait" shit.

    Well, I really have nothing to argue. I do think that people are lazy(er) now than they used to be. Good points.

    I ..... don't really see how this applies to the argument, nor do I see where you got this from. Where have Americans been making fun of poor peoples? I'm not even going to get into the "when people point out our flaws" part. I certainly know that America is not a utopian government, especially when it comes to foreign relations. But it seems that the U.S. takes more than it's fair share of mud-slinging. I would post something here about all the foreign aid that is sent to poor countries from us, but that would cause nothing but an immediate attack by every non-American here with responses like "What about Somalia? What about Veitnam?"

    I see this as sort of a double-edged sword. America is lauded if they get involved in foreign matters where there is wrongdoing such as genocide, starving locals and the like.

    However, as soon as troops step in, America is then immediately lauded for just the opposite, for "sticking their noses where they don't belong".

    I certainly am not one of those who "think this world is static, and the resources unlimited." Quite the opposite. However, in an earlier post, you said:

    And I was just informing that trees being logged for paper isn't quite the "virgin forest fuck" that you may think it is. Trees used for paper and building materials grow quite rapidly, and are replanted immediately after harvesting. As far as using hemp, well, I'll admit, that's something I don't know much about. However, I did a quick google search and the gist I got was that "hemp is better to use, because we can cultivate it, instead of cutting down forests." See? That makes it sound like we are slashing down every last stand of virgin timber there is, and it's just not so. Timber is cultivated like any other crop. Even if we did use hemp (and if it's the better solution, then hey! Go for it! I'm not against anything that's better for the environment) We would still need lumber for building materials.

    I heard something on Paul Harvey once, and I'd like to share it with you. For all those bleeding hearts out there that say that we are just fucking over the world, and turning once great forests into desert, here's a little statistic for you. "Almost half of the land mass in the world is uninhabited wilderness." Click here for a little article backing up the statement. True, it does suggest that urban sprawl threatens the wilderness, and I almost didn't link this article, just so it wouldn't give you guys ammo. :p But, it's valid, and it still backs up my statement.

    I again refer you to the link above. Don't let the tree-hugging liberal media fool you. Situations are never quite as bad as what they report. Remember: Good news doesn't sell.

    What if, what if, what if.... I don't tend to play to what if. What if terrorists infiltrated a nuclear facility? What if terrorists put something horrible in our nations food and/or water supply? What if a frog had wings? (He wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped.)¹ I hardly think that your argument is a good enough reason NOT to tap into our own oil.

    Two points here. Number one, how many of the victims in 9-11 were innocent victims? What, almost 4000? Minus 19, of course. What warning did they have?

    Now, how many people killed in the bombing in Afghanistan were innocent victims? And how many were killed on PURPOSE? And how many benefitted from the relief packages dropped over there? How many were glad that the Taliban were rooted out by the efforts of the free world's armed forces?

    If were going to look at things objectively, then by all means, lets.

    ¹Courtesy of my father
  10. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
    this is getting to some heated shit right here, and jinxed, pweeeez don't ban charles, he's the highlight of my reading this forum, mental people are wicked.
  11. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    I hope that those who share an opposing view as compared to mine don't think that I'm being "heated". I'm rather enjoying myself. I think that both sides so far are using logic and reason, unlike some flame wars I have seen on this board in the past. Tair Nean shares some different views than myself, but I defend to the death his right to have them. I'm just trying to show things in the way I see them.

    Plus, I'm an American. If you don't agree with me, what you say is shit anyway. :p

    Immortal Wombat, you actually can make sense of that garbage?
  12. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
    it's getting a bit warm, i mean there's passion going in from both sides, i'd describe a flame war as like...burninated.

    And i can make a little bit of sense from it, well, not much, but it's ammusing none the less, he knows all these world leaders and secret services, and his wife tried to sue him for beating her or something, i find it entertaining, like "what will the crazy man blurt out next" kind of thing
  13. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    He is unpredictable, I'll give you that.

    By the way, speaking of our little Allah-servant, I've just noticed his new avatar. Who designed that? Jinxed? Good job, whoever did it. Maybe I could get a star that says "Jingoistic American"

    No, wait, how 'bout "Jingoistic American that wants to cornhole Christina Aguilera"?

    No, no, no ""Jingoistic American that wants to cornhole Christina Aguilera while watching movies of lesbians cornholing each other with 8 inch long black rubber dildos and moaning and screaming each other's name and getting their fannies spanked by other leather-clad lesbians" Yeah. How's that? It may be a bit long....
  14. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
  15. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2002
    I like that.

    Ewwwwww.... that is not a turn on.

    What should I be? (If I ever reach 1,000/plus posts and Jinxed/Calis approves? :) )
  16. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

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    Jul 30, 2002
    How about that picture of Christina you posted? A facial close-up, or better yet, a breast close-up. Yeah now were getting somewhere. :hump:

    Sorry, didn't mean to de-rail the thread. Back to business, retard makes an excellent point with his "mad man" metaphor. The UN, at least the US, is trying to do something before it's to late. I know the popular view is the US in just enflaming a volatile situation that is better left alone, but let's look back in history to the end of World War I. Germany, as part of it's surrender was ordered to demilitarize, it didn't, and nobody much gave a fuck. Nothing was enforced and what do you know? World War II.
  17. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Actually, Darkwalker, they DID demilitarise. Then Hitler built it all up again, and nothing was done about that. I think we all know where appeasement policies went after THAT.
  18. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    Nah, I can't claim credit for that. I found it somewhere, figured it would fit as an avatar and saved it. It came to me just now that we have a candidate for it.
  19. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002

    Just like Hussein DID allow weapon inspectors to visit his country. Make no mention that he and his regime have and are doing everything they can to hinder said efforts, within a safe threshold of course, they wouldn't want to be accused of overtly sabotaging the inspection team. That would lead to UN repercussions that even the cowardly French couldn't whine they're way out of. Yet, point taken Jar, Hitler was largely responsible.
  20. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Under iraq we have the worlds second largest oil resource, i hardly think that anyone woulkd invade iraq if it was not for those oil rescources. And going to war just to get those rescources is not a moraly good reason, even though from the US point of view it would be a good one.
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