Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mrnobodie, Jan 22, 2003.

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  1. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Q, I can't believe that people actually really believe that. That all the U.S. wants is his oil.

    I mean, the fact that he is a murderous dictator, hell-bent on amassing WMD, and the defeat of Israel and America has nothing to do with it...... We just want his oil. Well, I'm through arguing. You have a right to your opinion.
  2. Clothos_Vermillion

    Clothos_Vermillion New Member

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    Dec 8, 2001
    If all we wanted was oil, we could find it other places, like retard said.

    Also... if we only wanted oil from Iraq, how come we didn't take over in 1991? We could have gotten lots of oil easy if we owned Iraq.

    We didn't because we are a country with morals and goals, not an abusive autocracy like Saddam or many others in the world.

    We Americans are not warmongers, but we do seek to stop a madman from blackmailing the world, like N. Korea is now. We can't stop them easily because of their nuclear weapons and huge army, the enormous risk to millions of innocents.

    Sorry about repeating much of retard's arguement, but i completely agree (cept for that dirty Christina Aguilara stuff) and have been off the net for a week.
  3. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Thanks for your input Clothos. Haven't heard from ya in a while. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels like this. I was beginning to feel a little .... alienated.

    I've seen threads pop up about something the U.S. is doing bad or wrong or stupid, the whole time I've been here. Now, having said that, lemme say I don't think that everything that we do is smart. But I feel that, on the whole, the U.S. does do mostly good. And allowing Saddam to stay in power, will not do. You've all heard the saying, "Monkey see, monkey do." What's to stop Saddamn from becoming another Kim Jong Il?

    GASP! You don't agree with the dirty Christina stuff?
  4. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

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    Nov 30, 2002
    He's been around for ages and he hasn't become him so far, he's tried, but the fact is thier science and military is basically shit, Iraq is about as much threat to america as i am to you right now, militarily speaking of course. America is allways at risk from terrorist attacks for any nation that has terrorists, and there are a good many outside the "axis of evil".
    Like i said before, saddam could have been assasinated years ago if he was the real threat, and don't give me any of that "another dictator would just step up to take his place" crap, you could kill each and every dictator that appeared if you really wanted to. The fact is that none of the reasons given for attacking iraq really make sense, exept that america allways has to have an enemy, it keeps them ontop of the weapon's race, if they didn't have an enemy then there would be no excuse for developing new and exiting weapons ready for when a REAL war comes along.
  5. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    I didnot take my wife to than topless bar, I went there durning the diivorse matter. The reason the police never arrest me have very little do with my other activites. When she first complain about me I was 10 miles away talking to the cop who went to her house after in a fast food place for about 20 minutes. I for than anti-cop person have more friend in the police department. First one hallow there was than very sick person putting 100 % pure uncut heron in cookies homemake. I ask the mafie to find out who was doing that and to notice the commanding leading the investion, most criminal also has childern and are quit normal and willing to help the police to solve certain crime. The police arrest than wealthly man with 10 kilo of 100 % pure uncut heron. He was not charge with murber as it would
    be very hard to built that case back then, he serviceing without parole under the New York State Anti-drug law pass by Govonor Rochfeller.

    The cop went to her place and he told him I sent than half hour beating her up, the cop knew my face and name as 80 % of then did. It doesnot take alot of brain to know she is lieing plus I never drove any car at all in my life. I walk at between 3 and 4 miles per hour. He spead the word to the highter command stuction of the local police that she isnot telling the truth.
  6. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2002
    Errrr... what?

    First, you say something about a topless bar, then you start ranting about heroin, and something about cookies. Then you switch to talking about the "mafie", which I can only assume is the mafia. Then you switch to something about beating your wife up and not driving.

    You are one weird man, Charles.
  7. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
    ah man, that's some classic shit right there, see what i mean? golden.
  8. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    That is charles in a nutshell, i think jar forgot to mention that charles also repeatedly speaks with god.
  9. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    I'm beginning to see what you mean. While reading Charles' post, I .... actually began enjoying myself. Now we have Charles connected to the Mafia.

    Hey Charles, would you tell the Mafia that I already sent them their money, honest? And tell 'em to leave my grandmother alone.
  10. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    I'm all for dismantling the taliban. Any religious order with that much power SHOULD be eradicated. Especially when they go around blasting 5000 year old landmark statues, simply because it differs from their religious teachings. Just like the witch-hunts of the 17th century.

    Yes, we'll bomb your country. Here, have some poptarts and snickers bars. Sorry about your home. Sorry we blew off your leg. Sorry we blew your child up. Have a poptart. Don't worry, we'll rebuild your home, with a nice shiny puppet president for you. By the way...where did you say those oil wells were? I..I mean terrorist training camps..

    You make it sound as if I am/was against any military action in Afghanistan, or perhaps I make it sound that way. As I said earlier a bomb is a bomb, no matter the delivery system, or the 'just cause' behind it. Everyone's cause is just, in their eyes.

    Some clowns blow up a building or two. Like a blind beast in a fury the US unleashes its entire military might against a few miscreants, who happen to be holed up in a poor, allready war-torn country. That is akin to mobster extortion tactics. That is no different than flying a plane into a building. And personally, I've seen no real evidence that the people who we were told were behind the 911 attacks, were the ones actually responsible. A few warbley tapes that we're told was osama bin laden? Hell, *I* could've made those tapes. I can speak gibberish and make it sound like Arabic.

    No, it wouldn't surprize me in the least to find out that the CIA got together with the military and said. Gee, the cold war's over, nationalism is in a slump. We need a new enemy. How 'bout this guy? He's a known terrorist. Let's jack a plane, fly it into a building, and blame it on him. Nationalism returns, public support for the adminstration rises, and we have a testing ground for all our weapons of mass destruction.

    Now I shudder to think I could even be remotely close to correct on that. Just because it wouldn't surprize me, doesn't mean I think that's what actually happened. I'd hate to think our government was THAT corrupt and petty. But stranger things have happened.

    Again, only the undertaker makes out. Maybe some mobsters.

    Heated? Perhaps..This is mild compared to some of the discussions I've seen and been involved in. I, for, one am glad to see some people out there thinking, and responding intelligently instead of the usual "you damned commie, hippie, pinko fag" type responses I usually see. Although those responses I do find amusing, being as I'm none of the above.

    Let me just say for the record, since there seems to be some question as to the motive of the discussion: these are not personal attacks on anyone. If it seemed so, I apologize, it was not my intent.

    (Now I'm sorry if that's a little confusing, I don't know how to quote snippets of a post and respond to them in turn, which is sort of what needed to be done here. Bear with me, and please, read the whole post, it should make some modicum of sense then.)
  11. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
    *slaps retard on the back in a hearty manner* that's the spirit lad
  12. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    I agree with you that you must question the motive of any government that want to go to war.
  13. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Yeah, I just wanted to see someone quote the whole thing again.
  14. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Dear Dark Underlord,
    Bush doesnot understand how to do foreign polcy, Clinton learn it alot better than Bush will ever learn it. Clinton drop the idear of not engauge China on keep issue. China is an police state but China is than big nation with than lot of people than you willnot change then with threat or santion like
    not tradeing with then.
    The SECOND DEPARTMENT stop all cooperation with the USA government
    but will contintal to make sure that no nuclear or biowarfagent will be use than a terrorist act in America or anywhere in the world that our mandrate from GOD. Bush just find out that the SECOND DEPARTMENT cannot be force by any governmental to do anything it doesnot want to do. More top ranking Cival Service Offical are comeing around to my view that Bush is than idiot.
    First mistake of Bush was breaking the Tokey Treaty on Green House Gases, breaking the ABM treaty, breakin the Rome Treaty and case North Koren , Iran and Iraq than Axis of evil than a state of Union speech.
  15. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
    I've just noticed that the reply button appears to be made of a nice wood, possibly walnut, although i can't be sure it being a computer graphic and so forth. Come to think of it i'm not sure what they're trying to do with that as buttons never were made in that shape out of that sort of wood, they'd normally be made of metal or rubber before plastic was invented.
  16. mrnobodie

    mrnobodie New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 6, 2001

    well that's some good news guys, it looks like charles has used his "connections" and is going to get bush kicked out of office, although, bush is now aware of the SECOND DEPARTMENT...... gee i hope bush doesn't put up too much of a fight..... we don't want another American civil war on our hands now do we.........
  17. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Ah, it's great to see that you're still your same old self Charles. Dig the avatar too. You choose that?

    By the way, just wait until you find out about the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT.
  18. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    Hey DU what happened? I have been missing those answers to Charles posts. I think he will be banned soon, jinxed sound just like it.
  19. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Great..Charles agrees with me. Don't I feel better now.
  20. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Guess I better answer this properly.

    Dear Charlie B Huff 'n Puff,

    Thank you for your correspondence dated 21 February 2003. The concerns raised in your letter to this department have been examined and we hope to answer them as best we can.

    We are in complete agreement with this statement by you. In fact, even we ourselves find "foreign polcy" difficult to understand at times. As such, we are not surprised that Mr Bush has some difficulties. Foreign polcy is a delicate and difficult area and we can only try our best. Sometimes, when we're doing the "foreign polcy" we accidentally put the left foot in and shake it all about, even though the music said to put the right foot in and shake it all about.

    Again, we must concur with your views. Clinton does indeed learn a lot better. We believe that Bush finds many things difficult to learn.

    We're not sure what an idear is, but fully agree with you (once again). The keep issue with regards to China was a serious issue and we're glad the keep issue was not kept.

    We also agree here. China is a big nation, however, we firmly believe that if we had the right economic sanctions, we could, in fact, decrease the population of China quite a bit. I'm sure we could starve the bastards somehow, resulting in less people.

    The SECOND DEPARTMENT is merely a stooge to the FIRST DEPARTMENT. Both of which pale in comparison to acts performed by the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. You may not know this, but the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT is the most serious department causing restrictions on foreign polcy. Doing the foreign polcy in tight underwear is difficult and as such, the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT has the most power of stopping an individual's actions. Soldiers in tight underwear find it difficult to fight and manouver. In fact, a polcy implemented by the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT in 1961 was what really made America lose the Vietnam War. We're glad Mr Bush has only just discovered the existence of the SECOND DEPARTMENT.

    Hoorah I say! Your correspondence to said officers has been greatly effective in persuading them to your point of view. Your conversations with God have also helped in this area. Have you received replies from the high ranking officials yet? They advise me that they are in the mail soon, thanking you for opening their eyes to the fact that Mr Bush is indeed an idiot.

    Yes, the first mistake of Bush was breaking the Tokey Treaty. Tokey's are very rare and valuable, Mr Bush breaking them was a bad idea and is the result of much conflict and distress in the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. We hope... Erm, I mean "they", "they" hope to punish him for the broken Tokey's. That bastard will pay!!

    Yours sincerely,

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