How do you edit your foes?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hotei, Feb 7, 2003.

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  1. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    True, but I've been working on my post count now for 1.5 years or so. I have quite a bit of free time on my holidays, and back in the day, this board was quite active.

    I do not demean myself by studying how ezboard works out. If that contributions thing is a standard feature, well, then I guess $0 is a good effort. If you put that in there yourself, however, then I'd say you're really hopeful. Also, point out where I said anything about the money being for ezboard?

    As for the last part of your 'rant', "Again, you're a moron.", where did you call me a moron the first time? See, that's incorrect word usage there, which is not the best way to insult someone who notices these things.

    I don't go out of my way - it takes very little effort to click a link and spend a minute scanning the page. If you don't care what I say, then why are you even responding?

    I beg to differ. You are the newcomer here. You barely know me, yet you feel qualified to pass judgement on me. I'd call that not being very clever or intelligent, as you don't have enough information to make a sound decision.

    What makes you think that an imperious "So shut up" is going to get me to stop posting here? You are not lord and master of this board, all you've done since you got here is create problems. You have even less power over me than I have over you. Go on, try and make me shut up.

    Looks like it isn't working to me.

    You see, that's where you're wrong. I didn't insult you, or even try to.

    Finally, you might also wish to take notice that there is no way you can win this. Let's see if you can figure out why.
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    Amusing. Really.

    I wonder if this discussion will ever go back to the real root of the problem, gravedigging threads. I guess some folks are ok with spaming, while others with gravedigging.

    We at T-A don't like either of them. If you plan on doing any of the above get the fuck out of here before I ban you.
  3. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    ~peers in~

    Ok, having been one of the people who did actually respond to a really old post, I have a question.

    What's the big deal? I'm not trying to stir up a fight, I'm just curious. I've never heard of this being an unacceptable practice on any of the forums I've been to.

    I mean, I figure, if you have something to add to an old thread, perhaps it will rekindle the thread and get people discussing again. Isn't that what forums are supposed to be for?

    I can understand popping into an old thread and posting nonsense or starting flame wars being problematic, but I don't see a problem speaking up if you've something to say. But if a thread's really old, and inactive, and responding to an old thread is a problem, shouldn't the old threads be removed to prevent it?

    Again, I'm not judging anyone's actions, or trying to stir up trouble. I'm just curious. I honestly didn't know this sort of thing bothered people.
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    Too bad most gravediggers reply with something utterly useless! Something that even a half brain would come up with. You expect the discussion to be continued after a no brainer? Further more, after you have been a regular at a forum for over a year, and I mean a REAL regular, one who pops in almost every single day, you get twice as aggravated.
  5. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    So it's not 'gravedigging' that's the problem, per se?

    It's the digging up an old thread to post nonsense?

    That I can understand. There certainly are a lot of idiots that show up on these things. However, I have a habit, especially when I'm new at a forum to read through as many of the threads as I can handle in one trip. If I find a topic that interests me, and I have some input on the topic, I tend to post in it, no matter how old it is. And if what I have to say fits into an old topic, I'll respond there rather than start an entirely new thread.

    With this being a frowned upon practice, certainly explains why I got no responses in the really old threads I did post in. I certainly didn't mean to aggravate people. I simply wasn't aware it was a no no.
  6. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2003
    "Also, point out where I said anything about the money being for ezboard?"

    All the contributions go to ezboard. God you're thick.

    And that board is about a year old. So in 1.5 years you've posted 4 times as much as everyone at that board in one year. That's funny.

    And win what? As far as I can see there is no competition going on, unless it's some faggot display of power of new posters or something.

    Which from the looks of this thread, it is :lol:
  7. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Now THAT'S funny.

    I don't get the joke. Why is you having such an inactive forum funny?

    All about Contemptus
    Expert, Joined: 23 Feb 2003
    Total posts: 55
    [0.07% of total / 5.00 posts per day]
    Find all posts by Contemptus

    5.00 posts per day since Feb 23...? 5 posts per day multiplied by 365 days per year = 1825 posts you're on the way to making on this forum in one year. That's what, double all the posts in your own forum? Better yet, this is going off of stats while this forum goes through one of it's more quiet periods.

    That's what happens in an ACTIVE forum. The only way you'd get that in your own forum was if you talked to yourself.

    You're just like Zorgue! You too are in denial about your homosexuality!
  8. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    If you'd bothered to read my post, I said that I did not concern myself with the inner workings of ezboard.

    Win this little "right to gravedig" word war (not hot enough to be a flame war) that you started. Are you an overly patriotic American, who believes that your Constitution extends to every facet of life everywhere in the world?
  9. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    DarkUnderlord: You forget I posted 30 times my first day :lol:

    And Jarninor, give it up man you're reaching.
  10. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    What is he reaching for? It has been made clear that gravedigging is a no-no in this forum, specifically on this board, and that you complaining about it is making you look like you think you have the right to do whatever the hell you want because of a two-hundred and some year old legal document that effects a country and not an international Forum.
  11. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    Well, no one likes "me too" posts, but that doesn't seem to stop you.

    If you can't follow the thread, don't comment.

    I never mentioned free speach or the constitution. Do try to keep up.
  12. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    ~leans back and watches the activity, still not quite seeing what the big deal is, either gravedigging or fighting over it~Amusing nonetheless.
  13. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Comtemptus is just living up to his name.
  14. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    First off, that is Jarinor, you ignorant dumbass. Secondly, what am I reaching for? A reason? Food? Water? Make more sense.
  15. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    I care about how to spell your name about as much as dark underworld cares about finding out what contemptus actually means.
  16. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    Since you obviously don't care about getting other's names correct, then why should they care about getting yours correct? However, Contemptus means despised or contemptible.
  17. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    I believe that's the meaning of contempt, not contemptus. I don't think there is such a word as contemptus. The closest I can think of, or find, is contemptuous. If that's what you're getting at, well, you can't even spell your own name right.

    As for my questions, in several previous posts, I find it very convenient that you don't answer roughly half.
  18. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    Well...if there is such a word, it's likely latin or pig-latin. English can usually be converted to one of the two with the addition of a strategically placed 'us'

    something like 'Contemptus Maximus Nauseam'
  19. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    *consults Wheelock*

    It's Latin.

    I can't decide whether Contemptus has become more of a forum irritant than Charlie. Well at least Charlie can be a source of amusment I suppose....
  20. terrasnake

    terrasnake New Member

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    Jul 24, 2002
    Actually I don't think "do you not" can be shortened to don't. Don't has always been do not. Not do you not, also it doesn't specify who or what is misunderstood and or mistaken, you, him or most likely me. If we rearrange the words to "you do not", we can shorten it to "you don't". This way we are telling them they are mistaken. Or "do not you", when shortened becomes "don't you". Now we are asking them if they understand. Common english mistakes like this really say alot for the standard of education in this day and age. :oops:
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