I'm sorry......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bryant1380, Oct 3, 2002.

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  1. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    Thank you for making my point, out of 787 posts you were able to find 5 that would be considered spamish in nature :eek: . Of those 5, three were not posted with the intent to cause havok but to actually try and encourage more postings. :oops:

    I did not come up with the ideas for them on my own they were inspired by what I saw on another message board ( http://www.ninjai.com/ ) that is filled with fine people, I had hope to bring some of that energy here. Fine it did not work, I said that I was sorry and I even asked for them to be removed or locked if need be yet crosses continue to burn over it :roll: . The other 2 posts that you mentioned were again meant to cause a unifing spirit among posters by highlighting one of what I thought was the more pleseant points about this board the gaining of unique AV's that others seem to prize. Another gross error on my part which I will not make again.

    Then you attempted to compare your level of posting to my own.... This would be too easy for me address but I shall refrain. Suffice it to say I would not compare myself to you...

    And finally I do not need a mortal enemy but if I did you would not come close to the level of challenge for me as you are many levels below either Jarinor or Sheriff both of whom would at least have me thinking of how to go about replying to a post; where I was able to answer this one with my eyes mainly closed..... But who knows maybe someday you will rate.... as something.... :puke:

    (sorry for spelling errors but this reply really did not call for such details as an sp check :razz: )
  2. Calis

    Calis Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2001
    Bah. And you can consider that spam.
  3. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    funny cause that's exactly my feelings towards this whole thread :thumbup:
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