usausausausausausaor is it land ofthemightyweshouldntannoy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by carlstar, Aug 30, 2002.

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  1. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    Hel Khat, you're smart and stuff. I am proud to call you countryman. :wink2:
  2. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    Lets just jump into this on the 5th page hmmm. OK here goes, if you don't have a spell check get one. How stupid does one look posting from the US with poor grammar. Next retard I would rather have a pres that gets a hummer and gives a few pardons than one who participates and facilitates a major blow to the US economy with ties to criminal accounting practices. Bill's BJ did not see the Dom drop a few hundred points in a day. Also Charles Iran and Iraq were not divided in the 7 or 8th centuries. That period was the formation of the Caliphate and their union.
  3. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    To Threedogs, concerning his spelling/grammer gripe.

    Damn kettle, you sure are black!
  4. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Okay, I originally intended to go and take apart all the erroneous posts around here, but there's too many. Most of them can be credited to Hel Khat though :D. Here goes:

    1. Saddam invaded Kuwait for the oil. Don't fool yourself into thinking the USA helped Kuwait out of the goodness of their heart - they wanted the oil as well. Saddam fired the fields because of his "If I can't have it, no one else can" attitude.

    2. America has invaded more countries than Iraq, and sponsored/supported at least twice as many invasions/revolutions as both countries combined in order to get a friendly government in power. Ironic that a country which proclaims to enforce the will of the people ignores the will of everyone who isn't a citizen. Gotta love promoting democracy when you're enforcing corrupt, unwanted governments.

    3. A country that sees itself as right 100% of the time appointing itself the world's policeman is a recipe for disaster. What's even worse is some of it's citizens incapability to see the other sides of the issues. Hel Khat, the USA is not responsible for everything good in the world. No country is entirely good or entirely evil, as you seem to believe.

    4. Invading Iraq and deposing Saddam isn't going to solve any problems other than that of "How to kill Saddam". It's going to create a power vacuum, and whoever controls the military is going to come into power. Maybe not the day after Saddam dies, but certainly at some point.

    5. Why the fuck does the internet matter so much to you Hel Khat? In your early posts, you kept referring to how if the USA wasn't there, we wouldn't have the Internet. Bullshit, something like it was going to happen as soon as someone figured out how to make computers communicate with each other.

    6. I'd say more, but I can't be bothered finding points to dispute - suffice to say, Hel Khat, that most of your posts, opinions and "facts" are very wrong. Most of it is based on your USA-coloured view of the world. Take the time to try and see the other sides and the points they might have - the USA has been behind almost as many heinous deeds as Iraq. On that note, the Kurds were persecuted because of their beliefs and all the other reasons for persecution, not on Saddam's whim. They've been persecuted for decades, it wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision.
  5. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    First I got most of my mine infro on the Vietman from many scourse that exist before the internet , like than public tv docomant on the two Vietman war the French one and the America one. LBJ lie to the Senate over the Gulf pf Torkin came out year later when some Naval men gave some Senator the truth of what really happen and they leap it to the new media. Then the Penton paper came out which reveal alot of dirtry little thing like President Kenny aprove of the South Vietman coup against their president for allowing
    the UN electon to take place in the furture which Ho Lee Min would have won. Then alot more came out durging the WaterGate Hearing and the hearing on the CIA plot to murber the Cuban leader.

    Iraq was the ancient Bablon Empire area and Iran was the Ancient Persion Empire area. The Calp allow the part which became Iran as he didnot believe
    in useing force to keep then trie to his Empire. There was still the trie of than
    common religion which blind then as at that time Iran was than Sundic Empire and Iraq was slowly becomeing Sidth Empire untril the Truk took over and the Truk where Sunnie. Why did the Caph allow then to form they own Empire he remember the bloodly civil war of his youth and didnot
    want to repeat it.
  6. Etalis Craftlord

    Etalis Craftlord New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2001
    Charles, translated.

    First, I got most of my mu infro on the Vietnamese from many sources that existed before the Internet, like the public TV documentary on the two Vietnam wars (the French one and the America one*). LBJ lied to the Senate about the Gulf of Tonkin, lies which came out a year later when some Naval men gave some Senator the truth of what really happened and it was leaked to the news media. Then the Pentagon Papers came out which revealed a lot of dirty little things, like President Kennedy approving the South Vietnamese coup against their president** and trying to prevent
    the UN election from taking place in the future, an election which Ho Chi Min would have won. Then a lot more came out during the Watergate*** Hearing and the hearing on the CIA plot to assassinate the Cuban leader Fidel Castro***.

    Iraq was in the are of the ancient Babylonian Empire and Iran was once the ancient Persian Empire. The Caliph**** allowed the part which became Iran to secede because he did not believe in using force to keep then tied to his Empire. There was still the tie of their common religion, however, as at that time Iran was than Sundic***** Empire and Iraq was slowly becomeing Sikh Empire until Ottoman the Turk took over and they converted to Suni. Why did the Caliph allow then to form their own Empire? Because he remembered the bloody civil war of his youth and did not want to repeat it.


    *Was actually the same war; the first was an generations-long war with China, then the French colonized and started a new phase of war, culminating in their withdrawal and the invasion by American troops. If you look at it from the Vietnamese perspective, they've been at war for over six hundred years.

    **Who was, incidentally, a personal friend of Kennedy's and died two weeks before he did.

    ***Which had nothing whatsoever to do with Vietnam, except the year it occured in.

    ****A guess. I have no idea what "Calp" means.

    ***** No idea whatsoever what this means. Sorry.

    I'm fairly sure I translated his meaning, but it still doesn't make sense to me as an argument. It's more like a poorly researched history paper.
  7. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    Aside from a period instead of a question mark and spelling DOW Dom I don't see the pot ad kettle thing. Of course reading some of your earlier posts I can understand the confusion. Maybe a repeat of your ELS class would be a good idea. Charles I read your post a couple of times and don't really know if you were responding to me or someone else? The Vietnam thing kind of threw me. As did the reference to the Turks who were not a player in the 7th or 8th centuries. If you are referring to the Turkish Ottoman Empire that was a another 700 years down the line. If not well I don't know what you are referring to then.
  8. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    It was than old Islam Religion tittle given to than religion leader at one time
    who have either blood or marrage tie to the the founder of Islam. The second hightest of that time was Sultan which became under the Truk the Hightest one. There where two other religish leader of equall power the Imman of Mecca and the Imman of Cairo Egpty.
  9. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    Hope I am responding to you Charles. :D The Caliphate was the Muslim empire rules by Islamic law. Its what the crazies want to go back to. Just don't make eye contact wit the last 1000 years and they might go away.
  10. carlstar

    carlstar New Member

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    Dec 14, 2001
    KA KA

    Jarinor comes in and makes sense. Oh my God i just agreed with a crazy old Australian or old Australian impersonator.

    I dont trust those secrete service men in the USA. There's evidence pointing to the death of one of our prime ministers in the 70s was a deliberate pioson program administered by USA agents because of our countries anti nuke policy and wanting to turn the country to a greener path. At least its not so obvious as putting a bomb in Castros cigar or training bomb riged dolphins to swim into people.

    Trust no one.

    *Whats that. I hear voices*

    edit- i actually meant to say traing dolphines, riged with bombs to swim into people.
  11. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    They where more advance in the arts and culture and science than Eupore was in the Dark Age and Middle Age. Plus their law where alot less harsh than
    law where in Europe durning that peroid.

    That lawsuit against Sauda Arbric and Islamic Int must be dismiss than America Court as Congress pass than dumb ass law. Let say than group of Irish America blew up the Tower Of London with than bomd than Thousand's
    of people die and our government knew nothing about it. Than some people
    in the UK decide to sue the America Government in the UK courts for 1000 Trillion pounds.

    First of all no GOVERNMENT cannot be held liabilities for the action of their ciiz. it they do than criminal act in than other nation. No Government
    have total control over the action of their people. The only time than Government can be held liabilites is when said ciz act in the officate capacity of the government. EXP: Than agents of said government caught doing than terrorist act as than KGB , CIA and etc intergent agents.
  12. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    Have you heard off a thing that is called national superioirty? It is the main principle in international comunication and the relations between countries. It says that we are not to interfere with violent means into what happens inside off a country, they are free to do what ever they want to do inside their own country. This goes for all states and is a general priciple. It means we are not going to interfere unless we have a really good reason to do so. If the US had prof that saddam decided to attack USA (How?) then they could do so. There is NO such thing as international LAW. If there is supposed to be a international law then there would need to be a police force, and a court of that law. Right now the united states are doing what it can to stop it from becoming so. The un was supposed to become such a police but both the us and the sovjet union wanted it different. Saddam has not ackl aknowledged (you know what i mean) any internationaly binding treaties that he has with any other country. So they do not apply to him/irak. The interantional arena is anarcy there is no international gouverment that can decide anything and put forces behind its decions and until that happens it is the big bullies that will rule. Myself i think this is just so bush can get the popularity even higher amongst the people of US
    Also the us is a giant and will not colappse because of 3 nuclear strikes. If that is the case then it is very poorly built.
  13. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    I think you mean national sovereinty, Qilikatal, but you make a good point. Even if the UN had received the full support of the USA and the USSR, it would have only been intervening on human rights issues or global security issues (which this one potentially is).

    It's such a difficult issue, because noone, or almost noone, wants nukes in tha hands of someone who might actually use them. Saddam, being so ruthless and power-mad is someone who seems like he might.

    On the other hand, there are a lot of countries who would be pretty justified in objecting to another country saying "We can have nukes, but you can't, and we'll invade you if you oppose us."

    Personally, I come out pretty heavily on the side of not letting Saddam get nukes. While the USA scares me in a lot of ways with its militaristic nationalism (with people like Hel Khat being amongst the most scary with his flippant calls for destruction of other countries), I know that their cultural and sociological systems are opposed to oppression, violent aggression and are protective of human rights.

    I wonder what the world would be like if the USA was more like Iraq. If they put a guy in charge who hated outsiders and was focused on expanding his territory, violently if necessary. Someone who never even talks about human rights and who treats organisations like the UN with contempt.

    If the USA played by the same rules as Saddam, they'd probably just invade their neighbouring countries, then push into South America. Instead of opposing people like Saddam, they'd just take kick-backs to finance their own war effort. They'd use their position as the most powerful nation on Earth to eat up territory and get valuable natural resources. They wouldn't sit around with an ineffectual coalition of less powerful countries and discuss the morality of their own actions.
  14. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Qilikatal International Law goes way back into ancient history than it was more or less really custum on how locale automanous area interact with
    each other to minimium conflict an more less try to maintrain friendly relatrship between thenself. The reason their use the term International Law is the fact that you cannot put than local person in one nation that harm the personal represtial of than other nation bodyly . Before they have International law there was no legal course anyone could take to prumint the
    person in that nation. Than the other nation have only have one option to goto war. With International law the picture change now the nation that have one of it citz who attack the personal represtial of than other nation can be charge with than crime as he virorate international law. Also International Law deal with international trade's , common problen like pirately and bantality on the trade route on land and sea.

    In Fedual Europe International law was base on how nobleity and King and
    Queen where to act with eath other. Than Explane one Baron virolate so many custum of Feduaral International law when his powerful army went to attack than weaker baron his army was defeat when all of his neghnor united against him. So donot say that International law have no teeth in it.
    He was alot strong than anyone of then but when ten or twentry of the attack his army and baronary it was than different story.
  15. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Let say at the hight of the cold war one madman in America broke into the USSR embary murber the USSR ambory and rape his wife. Without International Law the America government would have no legal recoure to take against that madman and the only option the USSR would have is to start WW3 than full scale nuclear war. So you could thank you star that many
    thousand's of year ago that International law was iinvert.
  16. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    The Trukist people where than normad tride that convest to Islam an servire in the caph army as reliable mer soldier an they where award with land and tittles. One of the tettle given to their tribal leader was Sultan. They didnot occuprate the land that became modern day trukey yet but it have the part that wherenot occuprate by the Bytam empire.
    The sect of Islam they choose was Summie. They also kept alot of their
    tribal custom which make it easyies to change to Islam as their where orginal pagon in the workship.
  17. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Al Qaeda have traimimg camp an bases in Red China an their are recieveing
    support from the Chinese Governmental and Bush cannot do anying about it
    of saying anything about. The reason the chinese are helping the Al Qaeda is the fact that 75% of the chinese population are muslum and the Commun. government there realise that there is nothing they can do about it . So they are useing the old Chinese methord it you cannot beat them join them. Plus
    China major allies than South Asia Pakistian Subconiental is Pakistian which is than Mulsum nation.

    There are Al Qaeda support bases in the Tribal Area of Pakistian which the Pakistian Government is aware of but cannot do anything about without causeing to much unrest in Pakistian. The Government is doing something about the group which are attacking Christian Church an inst. inside of Pakistian as they are getting support from India Terrorist Org. call RAW which
    is trieing to destable Pakistian.
  18. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    So, Charles, have you ever thought about writing everything you want to say at any given time up in one big post? It's really annoying to see one person has made five consecutive posts...
  19. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    Threedogs, this is how you spell and, and this is how you spell with. with I didn't even want to touch your gammatical errors. So once again I reiterate...

    Damn kettle, you sure are black!
  20. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
    It's a little known Universal Law of Forum Use (discovered by me and DU during a shootout) that when critising another person's spelling, you will always fuck up at least one word. It is one of those laws that has a high comedy potential.
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