usausausausausausaor is it land ofthemightyweshouldntannoy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by carlstar, Aug 30, 2002.

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  1. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Hel Khat, don't make me go back and find things you've said in the past under various accounts. We both know you've said some pretty outrageous things about foreigners.

    Then go back and explain to me why the points I corrected you after your "11 years since this ... 11 years since that" are facts. It seems to me you boldly stated those as facts to hammer home some point, then completely ignored the post I made querying those facts. Surely, if you're going to claim to use facts as a justification you should have some interest in whether they are actually factual.

    Where did I say that? I said I would rather he didn't get it, I believe.

    And this is exactly what I mean by irrational. How can you possibly equate someone's misgivings about a looming conventional war with a desire for nuclear war?

    No I don't want nuclear war, but I'm a bit skeptical of our ability to stop it by war-mongering.
  2. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Hel Khat I hope you arenot one of the Western Christian Fundamentalist who
    want to have than Religious war with all the non western christian religions of the world. Too many of Bush cadnit are Christian Fundamentalists which have me worry as their might use nuclear weapon to get they war that why some america general are nersve about the Christian Fundamentalist in the cadnet and Bush is also than Christian Fundamentalist who beleive too much in the bibble.
    The Christian Fund want to redraw the maps of the middle east , take over all the oil well in the middle east and cental asia, attack Pakistian because Pakistian is than Islamic state that have nuclear weapon. Murder 3 or 4 dillion people who arenot christian fund so Christ can return to Earth .
  3. Dennis Moore

    Dennis Moore New Member

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    Jun 12, 2002
    I got here late so I won’t make any relevant commentary.
    ThreeDogs, you are here! That’s very nice!

    Curiosity about Brazil: When our Generals decided that a military coup would be a cool idea they called US government. Help came on the way: experts on many areas of expertise, like torture espionage etc came over to give some classes. We also got some money and help in the coup’s organization. When they were here they learned a popular Brazilian torture technique, the “pau de arara� which they used in Vietnam (damn, shouldn’t they pay royalties).
    Now the dictatorship is over (well, officially). But our friends from the North gave a warning in the New York Post: “Now it’s a very dangerous time for Brazil. If the Labour Party gains the presidency, Brazil will join the Axis of Evil.�
  4. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Also the Christian Fundamentalists are the only religion that beleive in the rapture, the phyiscal return of Christ , the end time and that we are liveing in
    then. So to any Christian Bookstore in the bibble belt or america you see book you can buy which attacked over religions of the world, book that say
    the world is going end in 2007 or 2008. Some of those end of the world book and book that attach other religions are appearing in the general bookstore .

    I hear the Former fanous black Sourth Africa leader call the USA the BIGGEST THREAT TO WORLD PEACE LIKE NOW. The America government never support the africa freedom moverment if instead support the aphaid government of the white down there.
  5. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    1. Bush was handed the stock market, which was heading down, thanks to the Clinton/Bore administration.

    2. About the "ties to criminal accounting practices" this was the liberal media and their bedfellows chasing the "huge right wing conspiracy". Bush was never tied to any of this. It's all horseshit. They, meaning the left, were frantic because of Bush's huge approval rating. They were looking for mud. Sadly for them, it didn't stick. So they moved on. Now it's the potential war and the economy. By the way, about the economy, see number 1.

    End of story.

    P.S. Do you hear yourself? "Rather have a pres who gets a blow job?????" Are you really listening to yourself? Besides the fact that he is an adulterer, I'm more concerned with his pussy-handed way of dealing with threats to our national security. What did Clinton do about Yemen, and Kenya, and the Cole bombings? Nothing. He was too busy with his cigars and interns.
  6. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    AS long as he does his job good. Everyone knows that about the market, I think it is rather funny. Never have liked him, that is because of several other reasons though. (I will not thouch these since that will probably cause a flame war, but you can guess)
  7. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Dear Retard,
    You blameing Clinton for not doing anything about Al Qaeda is way off base. Are you one of those right wing Christian Fundamentalist who want a religious was with other 2 dillion muslum. Military might or force isnot the answer to every problen in the world. India has about 95% of their military right now in Kashmir have it stop the freedom fighter from killing India Governmental offical. Than there is report of India force engaugeing in illegal murbering of unarm muslum people than call then terrorist . They also engauge in rapeing muslum woman and girls as young as 6 month old it seem like the India Army have than lot of pedio (child raper) in their rank and files. To get back on topic first hight tech weapon are not alway eff against freedom fighter or terrorist who use low tech weapon. Al Qaeda has traiming camp and support bases in Red China which their use to attack our man in Aftan right cross the board. First China is the second larger nation in area with over 1.3 billion people with over 75% of their population Muslum , if we try to hit those base China can hit back at the
    USA quite hard if they want to China has 40 to 50 ICBM that can hit the lover 48 state plus Alask and Hawei . They carry 20 to 40 megaton H-Bomb as warhead and their target our major population center an indrustial center. Plus we donot have the Manpower to take on China alone.
  8. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Dear CharlesBHoff,
    You failed to provide an example of why the above is true. I don't believe it.

    Right Wing? Yes. Christian? I try. Religious war with 2 dillion Muslim? No, hell no. I wish there would be no more war. I said, Clinton did nothing to protect us against terrorism. I don't see how your above comment applies, except to attempt to label me.

    Neither is standing around with our dick in our hands. I never said military might was the answer. Please show me where I indicated so. I don't pretend to have all the answers. But I do know there are pros and cons to each side.

    ? What is this? I didn't say anything about China. Or India. Or illegally murbering unarm muslum people.
  9. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Dear Retard,
    First off Clinton did as much to potect america as any president since before or after him. There is no just thing as 100 % security as most america
    are ask for right now. After the Nerse gasing attack in the Tokoy sudway station by the Doomday Cult than orginate ask me to pass on the United State Government than warming that than BIOWARFARCE attack was being plan to take place in Dinneyland LA by some member of the doomday cult. Clinton order than massiverly fed law enforcement and military present there
    to prevent the attack. The orginate that inform me of this possible was able to stop the attack and they destory the biowarfarce agent. The orginate doesnot beleive that biowarfarce agents could ever be use for any reason we
    make sure that no government got than sample of that bio agent, we take no action against any government stockpile as that is my our job. The United
    State Government total wreck than new ban on biowarfarce agents being make by any government. We beleive that there element of the America government who want to make and possible use biowarfarce agents.

    Clinton when he lanuch than missile attack at than drug factory in Sudan
    which was not even own by any terrorist group at all, was at least man enought to own up to the fact that America make than mistake than pay
    for the damaga done. The Missile attack against Al Qaeda camp in Aftan did no damage at all to Al Qaeda network at all.
    An the dumb media that saying there was warning of 9-11 attack comeing
    is false. The two radio messages pick by the NAS would have not giveing
    any real warning at all. The Big Event is going to happen to tomorrow. Doesnot tell you anything useful. The Big Event can be anything than big surprise birthday party or than wedding. The otherf message was one of two words which will mean nothing unless you knew what they meant than
    head of times. These type of message happen many million's of time aday
    world wide. If we where to react to very one of these message the police
    and other enforcement agents will get tire of all these false alarms.

    I also question america motive of wrenching international treaty like the Globral Warming Pact to cut greenhouse gases, the Nuclear Nonprogient treaty and the roman treaty to have than International Criminal Court.
    It seem that big bussien and the Christian Fundamentalists are trying to ruin the world. The USA attiitude of MY WAY OR THE ROAD DOESNOT WORK and never work.
  10. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

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    Jul 30, 2002
    Here's my question, how can we possibly come to a peaceful agreement with the Iraqi dictator concerning his "weapons of mass destruction" or lack thereof when he refuses to cooperate with the U.N. decesion? Not only has he had 4 unobstucted years in which to develop said weapons, the man is completely insane. He killed Kurds in his own country by the hundred with his biological weapons, he tried to murder his own son, (who is still alive, but confined to a wheel chair) and he enjoys making and watching torture and rape home videos. Even if he doesn't use the weapons himself, rest assured he won't have any qualms about giving them to terrorist cells to attack the U.S. and her allies. Try and understand that these people hate America, and will sacrifice anything for the chance to destroy us. You can't reason with them, their hatred is embedded in their religious fanaticism. We must ensure the safety of ourselves and the world. If that takes war with Iraq than so be it. I wish it were different, Lord knows my job would be much easier. Please, share your opinion and if you see a better way I'd love to hear it.
  11. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    First to Shrieff Fatman : Since you felt the need to ignor my whole post YET again and pick out what you want to bicker about I will not reply to you except to say that you DID say exactly what I said you did and it was in this very thread and that you Still do not know my views on Foreign politics for as much as you like to come across as an expert on EVERY thing you are not and expert on ME.

    Charles this may be true but can you prove this? I am against any kind of relegious hatered.

    Very good question the only answer I can thinnk of which would avoid war would be to expel Iraq from the UN for it's many violations. That would satisfy me anyway....
  12. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

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    Jul 30, 2002
    Hel Khat, let's say Iraq is "expelled from the UN" how the hell does that resolve or even begin to address the issue that Hussein possibly has weapons of mass destruction that he would gladly turn on the U.S. and her allies, or give to terrorist cells to do the same?

    I don't want to come off as sounding rude, I just don't understand what you're saying.
  13. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Darkwalker, I don't know that religious fantacism is a prime motivation - yes, they may be fanatics, but no mainstream religion that I'm aware of promotes violence. Surprising as it may seem, Islam preaches peace. It's when people start getting the hate in their blood that they twist religion to make it say what they want it to say, so they can claim justification for their actions.
  14. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    Well Milo it has to do with failure to find bin laden and falling approval ratings. Plus there is a little of the oedipal thrown in for good measure.
    Retard- If you can find some "liberal media" please let me know. If Bush was so innocent why did public interest watchdogs have to take him to court to get his records? As for the econ well it may have been going in the shitter no matter what but his tax cut ignited the afterburners.

    DW you have got to be kidding, does he wear an overcoat and hang out in school parking lots too?

    P.S. do you think he has a web site for that stuff?
  15. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    How do you know if Bush isnot sane. I learn than long time ago to question the america government motive when it want to do something.
    First Bush wreack than new International Treatry to Ban the use of biowarfarce agent in warfarce it got the support of over 180 nations around the world. America and america Christian Fundamentalist want perfect treatries an laws, first there is or ever will be than perfect treatry or laws. In America we have law against murder and rape than yet murder and rape happen are we to give up an appeal the law on murber and rape
    because they arenot perfect.
    There is no real proof that he use bioagents against the Kurds it remind
    me of the big stink raise in the 1980's about Vietman useing biowarfarse agents which turn out to be false and still the USA was going around saying
    Vietman was useing biowarfarse agents which hurt our creditability.
    The report of him him makeing torture and rape home video I donot believe for one simple fact that I believe that Bush and the Christian Fundamentalist are demonist him by turn him into than demon by makeing
    up thing about him which might not be true. You can find people all over the world that make torture and rape home video and you can find internet
    site that deal in torture and rape video. How do you know that Bush doesnot make torture and rape home video of his own. The old saying that
    it take one to know one.
    Have we ever try to reason with me I donot think those. We make unreason demand which we donot make of other nation. Israel has than biowarfarce agent that can kill Arabs only I wonder why Israel need just
    than weapon for may-be to murber all the arab in the world and you don't
    see us demand Israel give up it's biowarfarce weapons.
  16. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
  17. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Afew year back than Christian fundamentalist book store owner was handing
    out parmtent to custumor urger then to rape muslum woman and Arab woman. First El Paso has than arabric population make up of christian, jew and muslum. Then El Paso has about 50,000 muslum population out of about
    600,000 or 700,000 people. The El Paso Shiref department got than court order bar him from do so. The Shiref is than Christian Fundamentalist who didnot like that idear as it encourage lawless behaivor. Look at the big picture
    let say some young dumb christian fund decide may-be we would rape from arab woman than they go ahead an do so. What is to stop the arab man from
    rape christian fund woman in retalism for the rape of their woman. Then evental El Paso cultureal and social frabic will fall apart. The court issue that
    order , he appeal to the federal court on the ground of religious freedom, the
    federal court said what religious freedom give you the right to urger people to do criminal act.
  18. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Darkwalker, that is a good question, and obviously there is no easy answer - hence all the discussions our leaders are having without getting very far.

    I do think that whatever the action taken (whether it be diplomatic pressure, economic measures or war), it will be more like to succeed if the international community presents a united front. Therefore, I think the task of people like Bush and Blair is to get the UN onside. They now actually seem to be moving in that direction after Bush's initial arrogance put everyone offside.

    I don't agree with your "cannot be reasoned with" comment. I think it will take years of effective diplomacy and bridge building to convince Iraq we're not all just targets in a war - during which time we might have to put our own economic interests second to the interests of peace, but I do not think it would be impossible if we were all commited to it. The Iraqis have an extreme culture (from our perspective) with both the military and the fundamentalist religious zeal deeply ingrained - but they are still just people like you underneath all that.

    I think the reason we turn to war is because it is a more obvious course of action. Diplomacy and cultural exchange would be more difficult to achieve than crushing an obviously weaker opponent.

    Hel Khat, yes I ignore a lot of your comments. Some of them (like the one about "I make my points with MY words") are just ridiculous and redundant and others (like you asking "Is not Saddam the root of terror") are clearly rhetoric, and thus not looking for a real answer.

    What should I have said? "Yes, feel free to use your own words" and "What about all the actual terrorists?"

    The points I responded to were the ones where I felt you either misrepresented something you had said in the past or something I had said in the past.

    [EDIT]I feel pretty bad about always disagreeing with you and having all this friction. In future, I'll try to watch how I say things and also make more of an effort to understand where you're coming from. It would help if you could perhaps check your facts and maybe not use so much hyperbole and emphasis when posting them.
  19. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Dear Darkwalker,
    The United States have than huge biowarfare stockpile than manufacttoring stuct. in place plus out biotech indust was total againt international inspection of they biotech plant which can be use to make biowarfarce agents in large quaitry. Plus the CIA have their own biowarfarce
    agents stockpile which can be use to kill people, animal and plants life. What
    does than evil orgination like the CIA need biowarfarce agents for what evil
    deed are they planing. Almost all nation have biowarfare agent except for ten
    nation. The Anthrax attack in america was carry out by than Christian Fundamentalist who work with biowarfarce agent for the United State Government who is being protect by AG Asscroft who is telling the Justive Department they cannot arrest him. The FBI have more than enought evin to
    arrest the man. If he was than Christian Fundamentalist he would have being
    arrest on 5 or 6 count of murber by biowarfarce agent.
  20. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    China, UN resolutions, Tiananmen Square, 1989.

    China - Has weapons of mass destruction.
    China - Refuses to coperate with UN resolutions.
    China - Many unobstructed years to develop weapons of mass destruction.
    China - Some persons in government could be called completely insane.
    China - Kills hundreds of people in their own country.

    Let's invade China!

    Or, better yet, look at it from Iraq's point of view:
    United States of America - Has weapons of mass destruction.
    United States of America - Doesn't even bother signing UN resolutions.
    United States of America - Many unobstructed years to develop new terrifying weapons of mass destruction.
    United States of America - George Bush = Insane :)
    United States of America - Kills people in their own country (death penalty, Waco etc..) Although of course, nowhere on the scale of others.
    United States of America - Hates Iraq
    United States of America - Talks about invading Iraq
    United States of America - Even if they don't use weapons themselves, they'll have no qualms sending in special forces or CIA agents to "remove" specific targets.
    From Iraq's Point of View:
    United States of America - Try and understand that these people hate Iraq, and will sacrifice anything for the chance to destroy us. You can't reason with them, their hatred is embedded in their religious fanaticism. We must ensure the safety of ourselves and the world. If that takes war with America than so be it. I wish it were different, Allah knows my job would be much easier, Allah be praised. Please, share your opinion and if you see a better way I'd love to hear it.

    If you were in Iraq, wouldn't you be saying "Let's invade America! They are filled with hate for us! They want to kill us! They will use their weapons of mass destruction against us! We must strike first!"???

    Think about it.
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